

词汇 in spite of sth
in spite of sthused to show that something did not have the result or effect that you would have expected尽管;虽然The game was played in spite of the bad weather.尽管天气不好,比赛依旧进行。In spite of all her hard work, Sue failed the test.尽管休学习非常努力,她考试还是没有及格。 SYN despite➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库howeverways of saying “but”表示“但是”的不同说法For years, politicians have promised to improve road safety. However, we have seen little progress so far.多年来,政客们一直承诺要改善道路安全,然而时至今日我们看不到有什么进展。Although politicians have promised for years to improve road safety, we have seen little progress so far.尽管政客们多年来一直承诺要改善道路安全,但时至今日我们看不到有什么进展。In spite of / Despite clear evidence from recent studies, the government has introduced no new traffic laws.尽管近期的研究提供了明确的根据,政府却依然没有实施新的交通法规。Politicians claim that the new road safety policy has been a success. In fact, it has been a complete disaster.政客们声称新的道路安全政策很成功,但事实上是彻底的失败。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库neverthelesscontrasting arguments对比论点While the movie is certainly too long, it is nevertheless / nonetheless an interesting study of human nature.虽然这部电影的确太长了,但它是对人性有趣的审视。The movie is certainly too long. Still / However, it is an interesting study of human nature.这部电影的确太长了,但它是对人性有趣的审视。Of course, large portions of the original novel had to be left out, but the movie nevertheless / still tells the story well.当然,原著小说中的很多内容在电影中被舍弃了,但这部电影仍然将故事讲得很精彩。In spite of / Despite the fact that large portions of the original novel had to be left out, the movie tells the story well.尽管不得不大量舍弃原著小说的内容,这部电影仍然将故事讲得很精彩。




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