

词汇 place
🔑placeplace1 /pleɪs /


position / area位置;地区
  1. a particular position or area地点;地方;区域No one can be in two places at once.没人能够同时身处两地。This is a good place for a picnic.这是个野餐的好地方。The wall was damaged in several places.这墙有好几处都毁坏了。I lost my place in my book (= where I was reading) when the phone rang.电话铃一响,我就找不到书看到什么地方了。Do you think that lamp is in the right place?你认为那盏灯放的位置合适吗?
town / country / building城镇;国家;建筑
  1. a particular town, city, country, etc.地方(指城镇、城市、国家等)Monterey is a very beautiful place.蒙特雷是个非常美丽的地方。
  1. a building or an area that is used for a particular purpose(有某种特定用途的)场所,处所a popular meeting place for young people年轻人喜爱的聚会地点Do you know of a good place to eat around here?你知道这附近有什么吃饭的好去处吗?
  1. (informal) a house or apartment; a person's home房子;住所;家Why not spend the night at our place?何不就在我们家过夜呢?
  1. a seat or position that can be used by someone or something位子;座位They went into the classroom and sat down in their places.他们进入教室,坐在自己的座位上。If you get there early, save me a place in line.如果你早到那儿,替我排个队。
role / importance角色;重要性
  1. your position in society; your role地位;角色I feel it is not my place to criticize my boss.我觉得以我的位置不适宜批评老板。
on team / in activity队伍;活动
  1. an opportunity to play for a team or take part in an activity(参赛、活动等的)机会,名额,资格She is now sure of a place on the Olympic team.她现在稳获奥运代表队的队员资格。
correct position正确位置
  1. the usual or correct position or occasion for something通常的位置;恰当的场合The room was neat. Everything had been put away in its place.房间很整洁,每样东西都摆放得当。A funeral is not the place to discuss business.葬礼不是谈业务的场合。
in race / competition赛跑;竞赛
  1. (sport体育) the position that you have at the end of a race, competition, etc.排位;排名;名次Claire finished in second place.克莱尔得了第二名。
street / square街道;广场
  1. Place [singular] (abbreviation Pl.) used in the names of some streets(用于某些街名)We live at 220 Jefferson Place.我们住在杰斐逊街 220 号。
  1. (mathematics数学) the position of a number after the dot (the decimal point)(小数点后的)位Your answer should be correct to three decimal places.答案应该精确到小数点后第三位数。
all overall over the placeeverywhere到处;处处We looked all over for Monica's watch.我们四处寻找莫妮卡的手表。change / trade places (with sb)to take someone's seat, position, etc. and let him / her have yours(和某人)交换位置Let's change places so that you can look out of the window.咱们换个位置吧,这样你就可以看到窗外了。come, fall, fit, etc. into place(used about something that is complicated or difficult to understand) to become organized or clear in your mind(复杂难解的事)明朗,清晰,豁然开朗Pete spent two hours working on the schedule before it all fell into place.皮特花了两个小时才把日程表全部理出头绪。in place
  1. in the correct position处于适当的位置;归位Use tape to hold the picture in place.用胶带把图片固定住。
  1. (used about plans or preparations) finished and ready to be used(计划或准备)完成,就绪,可用Everything is in place for the governor's visit tomorrow.为明天州长的到访所做的准备一切就绪。
in the first, second, etc. place(used when you are explaining or giving reasons for something) first, second, etc.首先(其次等);第一(第二等)in place of sb / sthin sb / sth's placeinstead of someone or something代替;取代You can use milk in place of the cream in the recipe.你可以用牛奶代替食谱中的奶油。Prof. Brown was too sick to travel, but she sent one of her colleagues in her place.布朗教授因病不能成行,但她派了一位同事来替她。out of place
  1. not suitable for a particular situation不合适;不得体;不相称I felt totally out of place around all those smart people.在那些精明强干的人中间我感到格格不入。
  1. not in the correct or usual place不在适当(或通常)的位置上;错位的;弄乱的
put yourself in sb's placeto imagine that you are someone else设想自己处于别人的处境;设身处地Put yourself in Steve's place and you will realize how worried he must be.设身处地为史蒂夫想想,你就会明白他该有多担心。take place(used about a meeting, an event, etc.) to happen(会议、事件等)发生,举行The ceremony took place outdoors.典礼在户外举行。take sb's / sth's placetake the place of sb / sthto replace someone or something代替;取代She couldn't attend the conference so I took her place.她无法出席会议,所以我代替她出席。Computers have taken the place of typewriters in most offices.在大部分办公室,计算机已经取代了打字机。
➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析placesite ◇ position ◇ point ◇ location ◇ scene ◇ spotThese are all words for a particular area or part of an area, especially one used for a particular purpose or where something is situated or happens.以上词均表示地点、场所、位置。placea particular point, area, city, town, building, etc., especially one used for a particular purpose or where a particular thing happens(尤指为特定用途或发生某事的)地点,地方This would be a good place for a picnic.这可是个野餐的好地方。I can't remember all the places we visited.我记不住所有我们参观过的地方。Let's get out of this place!我们离开这个地方!sitethe place where something, especially a building, is or will be situated; a place where something happened or that is used for a particular purpose(尤指建筑等的)位置,地点;(发生某事或作某用途的)地方They chose a site for the new school.他们为新学校选了个校址。the site of a famous battle一场著名战役的旧址positionthe place where a person or thing is situated, or the place where someone or something should be(人或事物的)位置,地点From his position at the top of the hill, he could see the harbor.他在山头的那个位置可以俯瞰海港。Is everyone in position (= in the right place)?每个人都各就各位了吗?ⓘ The position of someone or something is often temporary. * position 指人或物所处的位置常是暂时性的。pointa particular place within an area, where something happens or is supposed to happen(某事发生或被认为应该发生的)地点the point at which the river divides河流分岔点No parking beyond this point.请勿越界停车。locationa place where something happens or exists, especially a place that is not named or not known(尤指未提及或未知的)地点,位置,地方The company is moving to a new location.公司准备迁移至新址。scenea place where something happens, especially something unpleasant(尤指不快之事发生的)地点,现场the scene of the accident事故现场spota particular point or area, especially one that has a particular character or where something particular happens(尤指具有某种特点或某类事件发生的)地点,场所I proposed to your mother on this very spot 50 years ago.我 50 年前就是在这里向你母亲求婚的。PATTERNS 句型at a / the place / site / position / point / location / scene / spotin a place / position / locationthe place / position / location / spot where…the right place / site / position / location / spota central site / position / locationthe / sb's / sth's exact / precise place / site / position / point / location / spot

🔑placeplace2 /pleɪs /


in position位置
  1. to put something in a particular position or in its usual or correct position放置;安放Dominic placed the cup on the table.多米尼克把杯子放在桌子上。The chairs had all been placed in neat rows.椅子全部一排一排摆放整齐了。to place an ad in a newspaper在报纸上刊登一则广告
in situation境况
  1. to put someone in a particular position or situation使处于(某位置或境地)His behavior placed me in a difficult situation.他的做法让我很为难。to place someone in charge让某人负责
  1. used to express the attitude that someone has to someone or something(以某种态度)看待,对待We placed our trust in you, and you failed us.我们信任你,可你却辜负了我们。The blame for the disaster was placed firmly on the company.对于这场灾难该公司难辞其咎。
  1. to remember who someone is or where you have seen him / her before回忆起,记起(某人或在何处遇到某人)Her face is familiar, but I just can't place her.她很面熟,但我就是想不起她是谁。
  1. (business商业) to give instructions about something, or to ask for something to happen下指示;请求We placed an order for 150 T-shirts with a company in New York.我们向纽约的一家公司下了 150 件 T 恤衫的订单。




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