

词汇 decide
🔑decidede·cide /dɪˈsaɪd /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to think about two or more possibilities and choose one of them决定;抉择;选定There are so many to choose from I can't decide!可选择的太多了,我无法取舍!She decided against borrowing the money.她决定不借钱。They decided on a name for the baby.他们为婴儿选定了一个名字。He decided that it was too late to go.他认定这时候去太晚了。You'll have to decide what to do.该怎么做你得做出抉择。We decided not to invite Isabel.我们决定不邀请伊莎贝尔。➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析chooseselect ◇ pick ◇ decide ◇ opt ◇ go forThese words all mean to decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available.以上词均表示选择、挑选。chooseto decide which thing or person you want out of the ones that are available选择;选取I can't decide – you choose.你来选吧,我拿不定主意。select(formal) to choose a person or thing, usually carefully, from a group of people or things(仔细)选择;(精心)挑选He was selected for the team.他被选入队。a randomly selected sample of 23 schools随机抽选的 23 所学校ⓘ This word is often used in the passive. When you select something, you choose it carefully, unless you actually say that it is selected randomly / at random. * select 常用被动语态。select 表示仔细挑选,除非特意说明 select randomly / at random (随机选取)。pick(somewhat informal) to choose a person or thing from a group of people or things, especially when the choice being made is not very important随意选择Pick a number between one and ten.在一到十之间选出一个数。decideto choose between two or more possibilities决定;选定We're still trying to decide on a movie.我们仍然在考虑看哪部电影。optto choose to take or not to take a particular course of action选择(是否采取某种行动)After graduating she opted for a career in music.毕业后她选择从事音乐工作。After a lot of thought, I opted against buying a motorcycle.经过反复考虑,我决定不买摩托车。go for sth(somewhat informal) to choose something选择(某物)I think I'll go for the fruit salad.我想要水果沙拉。PATTERNS 句型to choose / pick / decide between A and / or Bto choose / select / pick A from Bto opt / go for sb / sthto choose / decide / opt to do sthto choose / select / pick sb / sth carefully / at randomrandomly chosen / selected / picked
  1. [transitive] to influence something so that it produces a particular result影响,决定(某事的结果)Your votes will decide the winner.你们的投票将决定谁能胜出。
 noun decision




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