

词汇 great
🔑greatgreat1 /ɡreɪt /


  1. large in amount, degree, size, etc.; a lot of大的;巨大的;许多的The party was a great success.聚会办得非常成功。We had great difficulty in solving the problem.我们解决这个问题有很大的困难。It gives me great pleasure to introduce tonight's guest.我很荣幸介绍今晚的嘉宾。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Big, large, or great? * big、large 还是 great?Big and large can both be used when talking about size or number, although large is more formal and is not usually used for describing people. * big 和 large 都可用于表示大小或数字,但 large 更正式,通常不用以描述人a big / large house大房子a big boy大男孩Great is mostly used when talking about the importance, quality, etc. of a person or thing. * great 大多用于表示人或事物的重要性、品质等a great occasion重要场合a great musician伟大的音乐家It can also be used with uncountable nouns to mean “a lot of.” * great 也可与不可数名词连用,表示“大量”great happiness / care极大的幸福/关心
  1. particularly important; of unusually high quality特别重要的;伟大的;卓越的one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century20 世纪最伟大的科学家之一a great moment in history历史上伟大的一刻
  1. (informal) good; wonderful好的;很棒的;好极的We had a great time in Florida.我们在佛罗里达州玩得很开心。It's great to see you again.很高兴再次见到你。
➨ STYLE 词语风格We sometimes use great in an ironic way, that is, when something is not good at all.有时,当某事物很糟糕时,使用 great 具有反讽意味Oh great! I spilled coffee all over my homework!噢,这下可好!我的家庭作业上被我洒满了咖啡。Wow. You're a great help (= no help at all).哇,你可帮了大忙(根本没帮忙)。
  1. (informal) (used to emphasize adjectives of size, quantity, etc.) very; very good(用于强调表示大小、数量等的形容词)非常;非常好There was a great big dog in the back yard.后院有一条很大的狗。They were great friends.他们是非常好的朋友。
go to great lengths to do sthto make more effort than usual in order to achieve something竭尽全力做某事;做某事不遗余力a good / great deal (of sth) (used with noncount nouns与不可数名词连用) a lot (of something)很多;大量I spent a great deal of time on this report.我为这份报告花了很多时间。a good / great manyvery many很多;许多



greatgreat2 /ɡreɪt /


[countable, usually plural] (informal)
a person or thing of special ability or importance伟人;高手;重要的事物He's one of baseball's all-time greats.他是历来最杰出的棒球选手之一。




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