

词汇 own
🔑ownown1 /oʊn /




  1. used to emphasize that something belongs to a particular person(表示强调)自己的,本人的I saw him do it with my own eyes.我亲眼看见他做那件事。Use your own pen. I need mine.用你自己的钢笔。我的我自己要用。This is his own house.这是他自己的房子。This house is his own.这房子是他自己的。Rachel would like her own room (= she doesn't want to share one).雷切尔希望有一个自己的房间。
➨ GRAMMAR 语法说明Own cannot be used after an or the, so you cannot say * own 不能用在 an 或 the 之后,所以不能说I would like an own car.Instead, say而应说I would like my own car.I would like a car of my own.
  1. used to show that something is done or made without help from another person独力做的;自己做的The kids are old enough to get their own breakfast.孩子们不小了,他们可以自己做早饭了。They grow all their own vegetables.他们的蔬菜都是自己种的。
hold your own (against sb / sth)to be as strong, good, etc. as someone or something else能(和…)相比;比得上of your, etc. ownbelonging to you and not to anyone else属于自己的Kate has always wanted a pony of her own.凯特一直想要一匹属于自己的小马。(all) on your, etc. own
  1. alone独自;单独John lives on his own.约翰独自生活。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Alone, lonely, and lonesome all mean that you are not with other people. Lonely and lonesome mean that you are unhappy about this, but alone does not usually suggest either happiness or unhappiness. * alone、lonely 和 lonesome 都表示独自一人。lonely 和 lonesome 指因为独处而感到不快乐,但 alone 一般不涉及快乐或不快乐之意。You can also use on your own and by yourself to mean “alone.” These expressions are more informal and very common in spoken English.也可用 on your own 或 by yourself 表示独自一人。这些短语不太正式,常用于英语口语。
  1. without help独力地I managed to fix the car all on my own.我全靠自己总算把汽车修好了。

🔑ownown2 /oʊn /


to have something belonging to you; possess拥有;有We don't own the house. We just rent it.这房子不属于我们所有,我们只是租的。Who is this land owned by?这块地是谁的? own up (to sth) (informal) to tell someone that you have done something wrong承认,招认(干了坏事);认错None of the kids owned up to breaking the window.没有一个孩子承认打破了窗户。 SYN confess




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