

词汇 rush
🔑rushrush1 /rʌʃ /


  1. [intransitive] to go or come very quickly快速移动Don't rush take your time.不要急,慢慢来。The doctor rushed down the hallway.医生疾步沿走廊走去。I rushed back home when I got the news.我得知那个消息后急忙赶回家。Don't rush off I want to talk to you.别着急走啊,我想和你谈谈。 SYN hurry
  1. [intransitive] rush to do sth to do something without delay赶紧做;急着做People rushed to buy stock in the new software company.人们急忙去买那家新软件公司的股票。
  1. [transitive] to take someone or something to a place very quickly将…迅速送往He suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the hospital.他心脏病发作,被紧急送往医院。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] rush (sb) (into sth / into doing sth) to do something in a hurry or without enough thought; to make someone act in this way(使)仓促行事,匆忙行事,草率行事We rushed into buying the house it turned out to be a mistake.我们匆匆买下那个房子,结果证明是个错误。Don't rush your project there's plenty of time.别赶着做你的项目,时间有的是。Don't let yourself be rushed into marriage.别让自己仓促成婚。

🔑rushrush2 /rʌʃ /


  1. [singular] a sudden quick movement急速的动作;冲;奔At the end of the game there was a mad rush for the exits.比赛结束后,人们乱哄哄地冲向出口。
  1. [singular, uncountable](a need for) hurry匆忙;仓促I can't stop now. I'm in a big rush.我现在没法停下来,我时间很赶。You can give it to me when you finish. There's no rush.你做完后给我就行,不用着急。
  1. [singular] a time when many people try to get or do something in a hurry高峰时间;繁忙时段There's been a rush to buy gas before the price goes up.油价上涨之前,人们都争相去加购汽油。You should do your shopping now to avoid the holiday rush.你现在就该去购物,好避开假日高峰。  look at gold rush




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