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词汇 grade
🔑gradegrade AW 1 /ɡreɪd /


  1. one of the levels in a school. Most students begin a new grade each year in the fall.年级My daughter is in (the) third grade.我女儿读三年级。➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充In the U.S., children start elementary school when they are about 5. The first year of this is called kindergarten.在美国,儿童上小学 (elementary school) 的入学年龄为 5 岁。小学第一年称作学前班 (kindergarten)。When children are around 11 years old, they move to middle school (or junior high school), and when they reach the age of around 14, they start high school.儿童 11 岁左右升入中学 (middle school) 或初级中学 (junior high school),到 14 岁左右时,开始上高中 (high school)。Each year of school is called a grade. When a child is around 6 years old they are in first grade, and the last year of high school is the twelfth grade.年级称作 grade。儿童 6 岁左右上一年级 (first grade),而高中最后一年为十二年级 (twelfth grade)。
  1. a letter or number that is given for school work, etc. or in an examination to show how good the work is成绩等级;评分等级He got good / bad grades this semester.他这个学期成绩不错/不好。
➨ CULTURE 文化资料In North American schools and universities, grades are usually given as letters of the alphabet. The letters used are A (= the best grade), B, C, D, and F (= a failing grade).在北美的学校和大学,成绩通常以字母 A (优)、B、C、D 和 F (不及格)来评定。Sometimes a plus sign or a minus sign is added after the letter. For example, the grade B+ is slightly higher than a B, and a B− is slightly lower than a B.有时表示成绩等级的字母后会出现一个加号或减号。例如,B++ 比 B 略好,B−− 比 B 略差。
  1. the quality or place in a series that someone or something has等级;级别We need to use high-grade materials for this job.这个活我们需要用高级材料。grade A fresh eggs优等新鲜鸡蛋
  1. = gradient (1)
make the grade (informal) to reach the expected standard; succeed达到标准;符合要求;成功

🔑gradegrade AW 2 /ɡreɪd /


  1. to look at school work, etc. that someone has done, mark where there are mistakes and give it a number or letter to show how good it is评阅(作业等);为(学业)评分I spent the whole weekend grading papers.我整个周末都在评阅试卷。
  1. (often passive常用被动语态) to divide things into groups, according to their quality or size(按质量或大小)分级,分类,分等The books are graded according to level of difficulty.这些书按难度分类。Meat is graded by quality.肉是以质量分级的。




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