

词汇 promise
🔑promiseprom·ise1 /ˈprɑməs /


  1. [countable] a written or spoken statement or agreement that you will or will not do something承诺;许诺;诺言He made a promise not to tell anyone what he had seen.他承诺不把他看到的告诉任何人。Her parents kept their promise to buy her a dog for her birthday.她父母信守承诺,买了一条狗作为生日礼物送给她。He said he would help us, but he broke his promise.他说他会帮助我们,但他食言了。They both gave me a promise of their complete support.他们俩都答应完全支持我。
  1. [uncountable] signs that you will be able to do something well or be successful(顺利或成功的)迹象He showed great promise as a musician.他很有希望成为音乐家。

🔑promiseprom·ise2 /ˈprɑməs /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] to say definitely that you will or will not do something承诺;许诺;保证;答应I'll try to be back at 6 o'clock, but I can't promise.我尽量 6 点回来,但我不能保证。“I'll pay you back tomorrow, his friend promised.“我明天还你钱。”他的朋友保证道。She promised that she would write every week.她承诺每个星期都写信。Tom promised me that he'd never be late again.汤姆向我保证不再迟到。The mayor has promised to clean up local government.市长已承诺整顿地方政府。
  1. [transitive] promise sth (to sb) to say definitely that you will give something to someone承诺给;许诺给My father has promised me a new bike.我父亲答应过送我一辆新自行车。Can you promise your support?你能保证予以支持吗?
  1. [transitive] to show signs of something, so that you expect it to happen有…迹象;有…的可能The picnic promises to be a lot of fun.野餐肯定会非常好玩。




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