

词汇 secure
🔑securese·cure AW 1 /səˈkyʊr /


  1. free from worry or doubt; confident有安全感的;安心的;有信心的to feel secure about the future对未来有把握Children need to feel secure.儿童需要有安全感。to be financially secure经济上有保障 OPP insecure
  1. not likely to be lost; safe安全的;保险的;稳妥的Business is good, so his job is secure.生意不错,所以他的工作有保障。a secure investment稳妥的投资
  1. not likely to fall or be broken; firmly fastened牢固的;坚固的;牢靠的That ladder doesn't look very secure.那架梯子看起来不是很稳。
  1. secure (against / from sth) well locked or protected锁好的;严密保护的This hospital is not secure enough to hold violent patients.这家医院防护不严,不能收容有暴力倾向的病人。a country with secure borders边境守护严密的国家
se·cure·ly AW


All doors and windows must be securely fastened.所有门窗必须关严锁好。

🔑securese·cure AW 2 /səˈkyʊr /


  1. to fasten or lock something firmly绑牢;锁好;扣紧The load was secured with ropes.货物用绳子捆紧了。Secure the rope to a tree or a rock.把绳子牢牢地拴到树上或岩石上。
  1. to get something, especially after using a lot of effort(尤指经过努力)获得,取得,得到to secure a victory in the election在选举中获胜




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