

词汇 mouth
🔑mouthmouth1 /maʊθ /


[countable] (plural mouths /maʊðz /)
  1. the part of your face that you use for eating and speaking嘴;口Don't talk with your mouth full.不要一边吃一边说话。Open your mouth, please!请把嘴张开!You can close your mouth now.你现在可以闭上嘴了。Keep your mouth closed when you're eating.吃饭时把嘴合上。 (figurative) They have a low income and five mouths to feed.他们收入很低,却要养活五口人。 (figurative, informal) Don't tell him any secrets he has a big mouth (= he says things he should not say).别告诉他任何秘密,他是个大嘴巴。
  1. -mouthed (used to form compound adjectives用于构成复合形容词) having a particular type of mouth or a particular way of speaking有…嘴的;…口的;言谈…的We stared open-mouthed in surprise.我们惊讶得目瞪口呆。He's loud-mouthed and obnoxious.他说话大声大气,招人讨厌。
  1. (geography地理) the place where a river enters the ocean(河流)入海口;河口

mouthmouth2 /maʊð /


[intransitive, transitive]
to move your mouth as if you were speaking but without making any sound动嘴唇;不出声地说Don't worry if you can't sing you can just mouth the words.你不会唱也没关系,别出声跟着歌词对口型就行了。




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