

词汇 limit
🔑limitlim·it1 /ˈlɪmət /


  1. a point or line that marks the end or edge of something界限;范围No alcohol is sold within the city limits (= inside the city).市区内不售酒。
  1. the greatest amount of something that is possible, allowed, etc.极限;限量;限度;限制What's the speed limit on this road?这条路上的车速限制是多少?a limit on government spending对政府支出的限制
off limitsnot to be entered, touched, discussed, etc.禁止入内(或触碰、谈论等)My desk is off limits to my kids.我的写字台不让我的孩子接触。We only talk about work her personal life is off limits.我们只谈工作,不得谈她的私生活。within limitsas long as it is not too much, great, etc.在合理范围内就行(指不过多、过大、过分等)I don't mind how much it costs within limits.我不在乎它的价钱,只要不是贵得离谱。

🔑limitlim·it2 /ˈlɪmət /


[transitive] limit sb / sth (to sth)
to keep someone or something within or below a certain amount, size, degree, or area限制;限定laws to limit pollution by manufacturers限制生产厂家排污的法律Families are limited to four free tickets each.每户限发四张免费票。




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