

词汇 likely
🔑likelylike·ly /ˈlaɪkli /




(like·li·er, like·li·est)
  1. expected to happen可能的;预料的Do you think it's likely to rain?你觉得有可能下雨吗?The boss is not likely to agree.老板不大可能同意。It's not likely that the boss will agree.老板同意的可能性不大。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库expectdiscussing predictions谈论预期的情况The proportion of people using cell phones to access their bank accounts is expected / likely to rise to 75 percent by 2020.到 2020 年,用手机查阅银行账户的人口比例预计/很可能上升到 75%。Experts predict that the number of people using their cell phones to pay for goods and services will be 190 million in 2015.专家预测,到 2015 年用手机支付商品和服务费用的人数将达到 1.9 亿。Cell phone sales in 2010 were lower than expected. * 2010 年的手机销售量低于预期。Experts have forecast a rise / an increase / a drop in the number of people using their cell phones for educational purposes.专家预测,利用手机作教育用途的人数将上升/增加/减少。
  1. probably suitable很可能适合的a likely candidate for the job这一职位可能适合的人选
OPP unlikelymost / very likelyvery probably很可能They left very late. They'll most likely miss the start of the movie.他们动身太晚了,很可能会错过电影的开头。




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