

词汇 light
🔑lightlight1 /laɪt /


  1. [countable, uncountable] the energy from the sun, a lamp, etc. that allows you to see thingsa beam / ray of light一束/一缕光线the light of the sun阳光The light was too bad for us to read by.光线太暗,我们没法看书。
  1. [countable] something that produces light, for example an electric lamp发光体;光源;灯;电灯Suddenly, all the lights came on / went out.突然,所有的灯都亮了/灭了。the lights of the city in the distance远处城市的灯火a neon light霓虹灯That car's lights aren't on.那辆汽车没开车灯。Please switch the lights off before you leave.离开前请关灯。
  1. [countable] one of three colored lights, or a set of these lights (red, yellow, and green) that control traffic交通信号灯Slow down there's a red light ahead.开慢一点,前面是红灯。
  1. [countable] something, for example a match, that can be used to light a cigarette, start a fire, etc.火柴;打火机;点火器Can you give me a light?借个火好吗?
come to lightto be found or become known被发现;曝光;为人所知give sb / get the green light (informal) to give someone / get permission to do something给…开绿灯;准许;获准in a good, bad, etc. light(used about the way that something is seen or described by other people) well, badly, etc.从好(或坏等)的角度The newspapers often portray his behavior in a bad light.报界经常从负面的角度报道他的行为。in light ofbecause of; considering因为;考虑到We might have to change our decision in light of what you just said.从你刚才所说的来看,我们可能得改变决定。set light to sthto cause something to start burning点燃;使开始燃烧shed light on sthto make something clear and easy to understand阐明;使更容易理解

🔑lightlight2 /laɪt /


not dark不暗
  1. having a lot of light明亮的;光线充足的In the summer it's still light at 9 o'clock.夏天的时候 9 点钟天还是亮的。a light room明亮的房间
OPP dark
of a color颜色
  1. pale in color淡色的;浅色的a light blue sweater浅蓝色毛衣 OPP dark
not heavy轻的
  1. not of great weight轻的;不太重的Carry this bag it's the lightest.拿这个包吧,它最轻。I've lost weight I'm five pounds lighter than I used to be.我体重降了,比以前轻了五磅。light clothes (= for summer) 轻薄的衣服 OPP heavy
  1. not using much force; gentle不太用力的;轻柔的;柔和的a light touch on the shoulder在肩膀上轻轻的一触
of work, etc.工作等
  1. easy to do; not making you tired容易的;轻松的;不累人的light exercise轻缓的运动light reading轻松的阅读
not great不大
  1. not great in amount, degree, etc.少量的;程度浅的Traffic downtown is light on Sundays.星期天市中心的车流量不大。a light wind微风a light breakfast分量不大的早餐
of food / drinks食物;饮料
  1. (informal) ( lite) not containing much fat or not having a strong flavor低脂肪的;不油腻的;清淡的light cheesecake低脂奶酪蛋糕
of sleep睡眠
  1. not deep睡不沉的;轻的I've always been a light sleeper.我睡觉总是很轻。



🔑lightlight3 /laɪt /


(past tense, past participle lit or light·ed)
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to begin, or to make something begin to burn燃起;点火;点燃This match won't light.这根火柴点不着。to light a fire点火
  1. [transitive] to give light to something照亮;使明亮The room was lit with one 40-watt bulb.屋子里照明用的是一个 40 瓦的灯泡。
light up(used about someone's face, eyes, etc.) to become bright with happiness or excitement(人的脸、眼睛等)快活起来,喜形于色➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Lit or lighted? * lit 还是 lighted?Lit is the usual past participle of the verb. * lit 是动词 light 通常使用的过去分词Candles were lit in memory of the dead.人们点燃了蜡烛追思逝者。Lighted is usually used as an adjective before a noun. * lighted 通常为形容词,用于名词前The church was full of lighted candles.教堂里到处都是点燃的蜡烛。

lightlight4 /laɪt /


  1. without many bags行李轻便;轻装地to travel light轻装出行
  1. without a lot of fat or oil低脂少油;清淡to cook / eat light烹饪时少放油;饮食清淡




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