

词汇 by
🔑byby1 /baɪ /


  1. past经过We stopped to let the ambulance get by.我们停了下来让救护车过去。If we sit here, we can watch the boats sail by.如果我们坐在这里就能看见帆船驶过。Time seemed to be going by very slowly.时间似乎过得很慢。
  1. near在附近There's a nice restaurant close by.附近有家很好的餐馆。
by and largemostly; in general大体上;总而言之By and large, the school is very efficient.总体来说这所学校效率很高。

🔑byby2 /baɪ /


  1. beside; very near在…旁边;靠近Come and sit by me.过来坐我旁边。We stayed at a resort by the ocean.我们住在大海边的一个度假胜地。
  1. past经过He walked straight by me without speaking.他径直从我身边走过,一句话也没说。
  1. not later than; before不迟于;在…之前I'll be home by 7 o'clock.我 7 点前就会到家。He should have called by now / by this time.这会儿他应该已经打过电话了。 By this time tomorrow you'll be married!明天这个时候你就结婚了!
  1. (usually without the 通常不带 the) during a period of time; in particular circumstances在…期间;在…情况下She attends classes by day and works as a waitress by night.她白天上课,晚上当服务生。The power went off so we had to work by candlelight.停电了,我们只好借助烛光工作。
  1. (after a passive verb用于表示被动的动词后) used for showing who or what did or caused something被;由He was hit by a car.他被车撞了。The event was organized by local people.这项活动是由当地人组织的。I was deeply shocked by the news.我为这则消息深感震惊。The building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.这栋建筑是弗兰克 · 劳埃德 · 赖特设计的。Who was the book written by?/Who is the book by?这本书是谁写的?
  1. through doing something通过;以…方式You can get hold of me by calling this number.打这个电话你就能找到我。
  1. using something用;靠Will you be paying by credit card?你要用信用卡付款吗?The house is heated by electricity.这栋房子是用电供暖的。“How do you go to work? “By bus, usually.“你怎么去上班?”“通常乘公共汽车。”by bus, car, plane, bicycle, etc.乘公共汽车、轿车、飞机等;骑自行车
  1. as a result of; due to由于;因为I went to the wrong house by mistake / accident (= I didn't mean to go there).我无意中走错了房子。I met an old friend by chance.我碰巧遇到一个老朋友。
  1. according to根据;按照It's 8 o'clock by my watch.我的表是 8 点钟。 By law you have to attend school from the age of five.法律规定五岁开始就得上学。
  1. (mathematics数学) used for multiplying or dividing(用于乘除运算)4 multiplied by 5 is 20.4 乘以 5 等于 20。6 divided by 2 is 3.6 除以 2 等于 3。
  1. used for showing the measurements of an area(表示面积)The table is six feet by three feet (= six feet long and three feet wide).这张桌子长六英尺,宽三英尺。
  1. (with the 与 the 连用) in quantities or periods of(表示数量或时间)以…计算Gasoline is sold by the gallon.汽油按加仑出售。I get paid by the hour.我按小时领取报酬。Copies of the book have sold by the million.这本书卖了上百万册。
  1. in groups or units of以…为一群;以…为单位They came in one by one.他们一个接一个地进来。Workers cleared away the debris piece by piece.工人们一块一块地清理残骸。Day by day she was getting better.她一天天地好起来。
  1. to the amount of达到…的数量Prices have gone up by 10 percent.价格已经上涨 10%。I missed the bus by a few minutes.我迟了几分钟,没赶上公共汽车。
  1. used with a part of the body or an article of clothing; holding(表示触及或抓住的人或物的部分)He grabbed me by the arm.他抓住我的胳膊。
  1. with regard to就…来说She's French by birth.就血统而言,她是法国人。He's a doctor by profession.他的职业是医生。By nature she's a very gentle person.她天生是个非常温柔的人。
by the wayused for adding something to the conversation; on a new subject顺便说一下Oh, by the way, I saw Cindy yesterday.啊,顺便说一下,我昨天看见辛迪了。




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