

词汇 picture
🔑picturepic·ture1 /ˈpɪktʃər /


  1. (art美术) a painting, drawing, or photograph图画;图片;照片Here's a picture of my brother.这是我哥哥的照片。to draw / paint a picture画一幅画Look at the picture on page 96 and describe what you see.看 96 页的图,把你看到的描述一下。Come and have your picture (= photograph) taken.过来照相。
  1. an idea or memory of something in your mind想法;情景;形象;印象Jack London's novels give a good picture of what life was like in the Alaskan wilderness.杰克 · 伦敦的小说形象地刻画了当时阿拉斯加荒原的生活。
  1. what you see on a television screen(电视)图像,画面I can't get a good picture on this TV.这台电视的图像不清晰。  look at motion picture
get the picture (informal) to understand a situation明白情况;了解情况He just doesn't seem to get the picture.他似乎就是不了解情况。in the picture / out of the picture (informal) involved in a situation / no longer involved in a situation参与/不再参与(某事)Now that Jenkins is out of the picture, Yamada will probably be chosen as the next manager.詹金斯已经出局,山田很可能被选为下任经理。

picturepic·ture2 /ˈpɪktʃər /


  1. to imagine something in your mind想象;设想Kevin used to be so wild. I can't picture him as a father.凯文过去是那么不羁,我很难想象他做父亲的样子。 SYN visualize
  1. to make a picture of someone or something给…拍照;以照片(或图片)显示The happy couple, pictured above, left for a honeymoon in Bali.上方照片中的这对幸福夫妇去巴厘岛度蜜月去了。




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