

词汇 butt
🔑buttbutt1 /bʌt /


  1. (informal) the part of your body that you sit on屁股Get up off your butt and do some work!起来干点活儿吧!I took two steps on the ice and fell right on my butt.我在冰上走了两步就一屁股摔倒了。Get your butt in here (= come in here) right now!马上到这儿来!
  1. a person who is often laughed at or talked about in an unkind way嘲讽的目标;笑柄Fat children are often the butt of other children's jokes.肥胖儿童经常是其他孩子嘲笑的对象。
  1. the thicker, heavier end of a gun枪托the butt of a rifle步枪的枪托
  1. a short piece of a cigarette that is left when it has been smoked烟蒂;烟头

buttbutt2 /bʌt /


to hit or push someone or something with the head用头撞(或顶) butt in (on sb / sth) (informal) to interrupt someone or something or to join in something without being asked打断;插嘴;干涉You shouldn't butt in like that when someone else is talking.别人说话时你不该那样插嘴。butt out (informal) to stop being involved in other people's affairs少管闲事I'm talking to Molly about something personal, so just butt out, Jerry!我正跟莫莉谈私事,别瞎掺和,杰里!




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