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词汇 other
🔑otheroth·er /ˈʌðər /




  1. in addition to or different from the one or ones that have already been mentioned or understood另外;其他;别的I didn't have any other plans that evening, so I accepted their invitation.我那天晚上没有其他安排,就接受了他们的邀请。How many other students are there in your class?你班上另外还有多少名学生?If you're busy now, I'll come back some other time.如果你现在忙,我就改个时间再来。Some of my friends went to college, others didn't.我的朋友中有些上了大学,有些没上。She doesn't care what other people think.她不在乎别人怎么想。
  1. (after the or a possessive with a singular noun用于 the 或物主代词后,与单数名词连用) second of two(两者中的)另外一个I can only find one sock. Have you seen the other one?我只找到了一只袜子,你看到另一只了吗?My glasses broke, but fortunately I had my other pair with me.我的眼镜打碎了,但幸运的是我当时还带了一副。
  1. (after the or a possessive with a plural noun用于 the 或物主代词后,与复数名词连用) the rest of a group or number of people or things其余的,剩下的(人或事物)Their youngest son still lives with them, but their other kids have left home.他们最小的儿子仍然跟他们一起生活,但其他孩子都已经离开家了。I'll have to wear this shirt because all my others are dirty.我只能穿这件衬衫,因为其他的衬衫都脏了。
in other wordssaying something in a different way换句话说;也就是说➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库i.e.explaining what you mean解释自己的意思Many poems rhyme; i.e./that is / that is to say, some or all of the lines have or end with the same sound.许多诗都押韵,也就是说,部分或全部诗行的韵脚相同或押句尾韵。A limerick's rhyming pattern is A-A-B-B-A. In other words, the first, second, and fifth lines all rhyme with each other, while the third and fourth lines have a different rhyme.五行打油诗的韵式为 A-A-B-B-A,换言之,第一、第二和第五行押同一个韵,而第三和第四行押另一个韵。This poem is about love, or rather, falling in love.这是一首关于爱情,或者应该说,是关于恋爱的诗。He says his poems deal with “the big issues,” by which he means love and death.他说他的诗探讨“重大问题”,指的是爱情与死亡。one after another / the otherfirst one, then the next, etc.一个接一个;依次;先后One after another, the winners went up to get their prizes.获胜者一个接一个上台领奖。(on the one hand...) on the other handused for showing opposite points of view(引出对立的观点)(一方面…)另一方面It's cheaper to travel by bus. On the other hand, flying is so much faster.乘公共汽车出行比较便宜。但另一方面,乘飞机要快得多。other than (usually after a negative通常用于否定词后)
  1. apart from; except (for)除了;除…以外I don't know any French people other than you.除了你,我不认识别的法国人。The plane was a little bit late, but other than that the trip was fine.飞机有些晚点,但除此之外旅途还算顺利。
  1. different or in a different way from; not不同;不同于;不Justin is never anything other than a perfect gentleman.贾斯廷绝对是位十足的绅士。
the other day, morning, week, etc.recently, not long ago最近;不久前的某天(或某个上午、某星期等)An old friend called me the other day.前几天,一个老朋友给我打电话了。…or someone, something, somewhere, etc.someone, something, somewhere, etc. or other (informal) used when you are not exactly sure about a person, thing, or place(表示不肯定是何人、何物或何地)She's a computer programmer or something.她大概是计算机程序员之类的人吧。The movie was set in Sweden or somewhere.这部影片以瑞典之类的地方为背景。He muttered something or other about not having any time and disappeared.他嘟囔了几句时间不够的话,然后就不见了。




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