

词汇 region
🔑regionre·gion AW /ˈridʒən /


  1. (geography地理) a part of the country or the world; a large area of land(国家或世界的)区域,地区;地带desert / tropical / polar regions沙漠/热带/极地地区This region of the country is very flat.该国的这一地区非常平坦。She is responsible for sales in the West Coast region.她负责西海岸地区的销售。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析A district may be part of a town, city, state, or country, and it often has fixed boundaries. * district 可以是镇、城市、州或国家的一部分,并且一般有既定的边界a judicial district司法辖区A region is larger, usually part of a country or state. It may not have fixed boundaries. * region 较大,通常为国家或州的一部分,可能没有既定的边界the industrial regions of the country国家的工业区An area is also a general term and is used with the same meaning as region. * area 也是泛指词,意义和 region 相同the poorer areas of a town城镇较贫困的区域an agricultural area of the country国家的农业区We use part more often when we are talking about a specific section of a town, city, state, or country.在谈到镇、城市、州或国家的某一具体区域时,更常用 partWhich part of St. Louis do you live in?你住在圣路易斯的哪个区?The rain will affect mainly the northern and western parts of the country.降雨将主要影响该国的北部和西部。
  1. an area of your body(身体)部位He's been having pains in his abdominal region.他的腹部一直在痛。
in the region of sthabout or approximately大约;差不多;在…上下It must have cost somewhere in the region of $1,000.这一定花了差不多 1,000 美元。




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