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词汇 reverse
🔑reversere·verse AW 1 /rɪˈvərs /


  1. to change a decision, a process, etc. to the opposite颠倒;使彻底改变;使完全相反It's too late to reverse your decision now; you've already signed the contract.现在改变决定太晚了,你已经签了合同。Some experts say that exercise and good nutrition can reverse the early signs of aging.有些专家称锻炼和良好的营养可以逆转老化的早期迹象。to reverse a trend扭转趋势
  1. reverse yourself to change your opinion to the opposite彻底改变观点The city council reversed itself and approved the proposal to build a new fire station.市政委员会推翻了原先的决定,批准了修建新消防站的提案。
  1. to put something in the opposite position使颠倒Writing is reversed in a mirror.镜子里的字是反的。My husband and I have reversed roles he stays home now and I go to work.我和丈夫互换了角色,他现在打理家务,我则去上班。

🔑reversere·verse AW 2 /rɪˈvərs /


  1. [singular] the reverse (of sth) the complete opposite of the previous statement or of what is expected完全相反的情况This should have been a relaxing trip, but it was just the reverse.这本该是一次轻松的旅行,但情况却恰恰相反。
  1. [uncountable] the position of the gears in a car, etc. that makes it move backward倒挡;后退装置Put the car in reverse and back into that parking space.把汽车挂上倒挡倒回那个车位。
in reversein the opposite order, starting at the end and going backward to the beginning; in the opposite way of the previous direction按相反的顺序;逆序;反向

reversere·verse AW 3 /rɪˈvərs /


opposite to what is expected or has just been described相反的;反向的;反面的In Brazil, the reverse situation is true.在巴西,情况完全相反。




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