

词汇 retreat
retreatre·treat1 /rɪˈtrit /


  1. (of an army, etc.) to move backward in order to leave a battle or in order not to become involved in a battle(军队等)撤退,退却The general gave an order to retreat from the area.将军命令撤离这个地区。 OPP advance
  1. to move backward; to go to a safe or private place后退;躲避;逃避Firefighters were forced to retreat by the intense heat.高温迫使消防员退了下来。 (figurative) She seems to retreat into a world of her own sometimes.有时她似乎躲在自己的世界里。

retreatre·treat2 /rɪˈtrit /


  1. [countable, uncountable] the action of moving backward, away from a difficult or dangerous situation撤退;退却The invading forces are now in retreat.侵略军现在正在撤退。the candidate's retreat from his original position候选人从原来的职位退下
  1. [countable] a private place where you can go when you want to be quiet or to rest隐居处;僻静处;退隐处




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