

词汇 incorrect
incorrectin·cor·rect /ˌɪnkəˈrɛkt /


not right or true; not correct不准确的;不正确的;错误的an incorrect answer错误的答案 OPP correct➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析wrongfalse ◇ incorrect ◇ mistaken ◇ inaccurateThese words all describe something that is not right or correct, or someone who is not right about something.以上词均表示错误的、不正确的、犯错的。wrongnot right or correct; (used about a person) not right about something错误的;不对的;(人)出错的,有错误的I went to the wrong place.我去错了地方。I got all the answers wrong.我把答案全弄错了。That picture is the wrong way around.这幅图弄反了。We were wrong to assume that she'd agree.我们误以为她会同意。 OPP rightfalse(used about facts) not true or correct; wrong because it is based on something that is not true or correct(事实)不真实的,不正确的;虚假的A whale is a fish. True or false?鲸鱼是鱼,对还是不对?She gave false information to the insurance company.她给保险公司提供了虚假信息。 OPP trueincorrect(somewhat formal) wrong according to the facts; containing mistakes与事实不符的;有错的;不准确的Many of the statistics were incorrect.统计数字中有许多是不准确的。Incorrect answers should be marked with a cross.错误的答案上应该打叉。 OPP correctmistaken(used about a person) wrong in your opinion or judgment; based on a wrong opinion or bad judgment(人)弄错的;基于错误判断的You're completely mistaken about Jane.你对简的看法完全错了。If I'm not mistaken, that's Dan's wife over there.如果我没有弄错的话,那边的那个人是丹的妻子。It was a case of mistaken identity (= people thought that a particular person was someone else).这是一桩认错人的事。inaccuratewrong according to the facts; containing mistakes与事实不符的;有错的;不准确的an inaccurate statement / description不准确的陈述/描述All the maps we had were completely inaccurate.我们手头上所有的地图都很不准确。The report was badly researched and inaccurate.报告没有经过认真调查,内容不实。 OPP accuratePATTERNS 句型to be wrong / mistaken about sb / stha(n) wrong / incorrect answerwrong / false / mistaken / incorrect / inaccurate informationa(n) false / mistaken / incorrect / inaccurate belief


The envelope was incorrectly addressed.信封的地址写错了。 OPP correctly




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