

词汇 including
🔑includingin·clud·ing /ɪnˈkludɪŋ /


having as a part包括It costs $17.99, not including sales tax.费用是 17.99 美元,不包括销售税。 OPP excluding➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库e.g.giving examples举例The website has a variety of useful exercises (e.g. matching games, crosswords, and quizzes).该网站有各种各样有用的练习,如配对游戏、纵横字谜和智力测试题。The website has a variety of useful exercises, including matching games, crosswords, and quizzes.该网站有各种各样有用的练习,包括配对游戏、纵横字谜和智力测试题。Websites vary in how open they are. For example / For instance, some websites allow anyone to post comments, while others do not.网站在开放程度上各不相同,例如,有些网站允许任何人发表评论,另一些网站则不允许。Web 2.0 technologies, such as wikis, blogs, and social networking sites, have changed the way that people use the Internet. * Web 2.0 技术,如维基、博客和社交网站,改变了人们使用互联网的方式。Some legal experts (for example, Beatty and Morris) argue that the Worldwide Web should be strictly controlled by international laws.一些法律专家(如贝蒂和莫里斯)提出,万维网应受国际法的严格约束。




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