

词汇 level
🔑levellev·el1 /ˈlɛvl /


  1. with no part higher than any other; flat平坦的;平的Make sure the shelves are level before you nail them to the wall.搁板钉到墙上之前一定要放平。a level teaspoon of sugar一平茶匙糖
  1. level (with sth) at the same height, standard, or position(和…)等高的,水平相等的,位置相同的The boy's head was level with his father's shoulder.那男孩的头到他父亲的肩膀。

🔑levellev·el2 /ˈlɛvl /


  1. the height or position of something in relation to something else(相对于其他事物的)高度,级别,等级,水平We are at 500 feet above sea level.我们处于海拔 500 英尺的高度。at ground level在地面an intermediate-level student中等水平的学生top-level discussions高层会谈
  1. the amount, size, or number of something (compared to something else)(与其他事物相比而言的)数量,大小,数目a high level of unemployment高失业率low levels of pollution轻度污染
  1. one of several floors in a building楼层The new shopping mall has 180 stores on three levels.新的购物商场有三层,设有 180 家店铺。

levellev·el3 /ˈlɛvl /


[transitive] (lev·el·ing, lev·eled) (CanE -ll-)
  1. to make something flat, equal, or level使平坦;使平等;使齐平The ground needs to be leveled before we lay the patio.铺露台之前地面需要整平。
  1. to destroy a building or a group of trees completely by knocking it down摧毁,夷平(建筑物或树林)The tornado leveled several barns in the county.龙卷风把这个县的几座谷仓夷为平地。
level sth against / at sb / sthto make a serious criticism of someone or accuse someone of doing something wrong严厉指责;谴责Several criminal charges have been leveled against the mayor.对市长提出了几项刑事指控。level off / outto become flat, equal, or level变得平整(或平等、齐平)Stock prices rose sharply yesterday, but today they have leveled off (= stayed at one level).昨日股价大涨,但今天已经走平。




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