

词汇 letter
🔑letterlet·ter /ˈlɛt̬ər /


  1. (English language arts英语语言文学) a written or printed sign that represents a sound in a language字母“Z” is the last letter of the English alphabet.Z 是英语字母表的最后一个字母。
➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充Letters are written or printed as capitals (= uppercase), or small letters (= lowercase).字母在书写或印刷时有大写 (capital 或 uppercase) 和小写 (small letter 或 lowercase) 之分Is “east” written with a capital or a small “e”?写 east 的时候,e 是大写还是小写?Is “east” written with an uppercase or a lowercase “E”?写 east 的时候,E 是大写还是小写?
  1. a written or printed message that is usually put in an envelope and sent to someone by mail信;函I wrote Denise a letter, but I haven't mailed it yet.我给丹尼斯写了封信,不过还没寄出去。




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