

词汇 let
🔑letlet /lɛt /


[transitive] (present participle let·ting, past tense, past participle let)
  1. to allow or permit someone or something to do something; to allow something to happen让…做某事;允许;许可My parents let me stay out until 11 o'clock.我父母允许我在外面待到 11 点。He wanted to take the day off, but his boss wouldn't let him.他想请一天假,可他的老板不同意。
➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Allow, let, or permit? * allow、let 还是 permit?Allow can be used in both formal and informal English. The passive form be allowed to is especially common. * allow 在正式和非正式英语中均可使用。被动形式 be allowed to 尤其常见。Permit is a formal word and is usually used only in written English. * permit 是正式用语,通常只用于书面英语。Let is an informal word, and very common in spoken English. * let 是非正式用语,英语口语中十分常见。You allow someone to do something but let someone do something (without “to”).可说 allow someone to do something,但要说 let someone do something (不用 to)Please, let me speak.请让我说句话。Let cannot be used in the passive, but allow and permit are often used in this way. * let 不能用于被动语态,而 allow 和 permit 则常用于被动语态Visitors are not allowed / permitted to smoke in this area.来访者不得在这一区域吸烟。Smoking is not allowed / permitted.禁止吸烟。I'm not allowed to stay out after 11 p.m.我不可以晚上 11 点后待在外面。My dad won't let me stay out after 11 p.m.爸爸不让我晚上 11 点后待在外面。
  1. to allow someone or something to move in a particular direction让…向(某方向)移动;让…去(某处)Open the windows and let some fresh air in.打开窗户,让新鲜空气进来。They let him out of prison yesterday.他们昨天释放他出狱。
offering help提供帮助
  1. used for offering help to someone(主动提出帮助时说)让,由Let me help you carry your bags.让我帮你拿包吧。
making requests提出要求
  1. used for making requests or giving instructions(用于提出要求或下指示)要,让Don't help him. Let him do it himself.别帮他,让他自己做。If she refuses to come home with us now, let her walk home.如果她不肯现在跟我们回家,就让她走回去。
making suggestions提出建议
  1. let's used for making suggestions about what you and other people can do(用于提出建议)Let's go to the movies tonight.咱们今晚去看电影吧。 Let's not go to that awful restaurant again.咱们别再去那家糟糕的餐馆了。
let aloneand certainly not更不用说We haven't decided where we're going yet, let alone made any reservations.我们现在还没决定去哪里呢,更别说预订了。let sb goto make someone leave his / her job, usually because there is not enough work(因没有足够的工作可做而)解雇(某人)We're going to have to let 20 people go.我们将不得不解雇 20 人。let sb / sth golet go of sb / sthto stop holding someone or something放开;松手Let me go. You're hurting me!放开我,你弄疼我了!I tried to take the book, but he wouldn't let go of it.我试图拿那本书,可他抓着不放。let it go (informal) to decide not to argue or worry about something不再争论(或担忧);到此为止let yourself go
  1. to behave in a relaxed way, without worrying what other people think of your behavior放松自己;随心所欲Just relax. Let yourself go!放松点,玩个痛快吧!
  1. to stop being careful about how you look, dress, etc.不修边幅He's let himself go since he lost his job.他失业之后就变得邋里邋遢了。
let sb knowto tell someone something让(某人)知道;告知(某人)If you need any help, let me know.如需帮助,请告诉我。I'll let you know how much the bill is.我会通知你账单数额的。let me seelet's seeused when you are thinking or trying to remember something让我想一想;让我考虑一下Where did I put the car keys? Let's see. I think I left them by the phone.我把车钥匙搁哪儿了?让我想想,我好像放在电话旁边了。let's sayfor example譬如说;比方说;例如You could work two mornings a week, let's say Tuesday and Friday.你可以每周工作两个上午,比如说周二和周五。 let sb downto not do something that you promised to do for someone; to disappoint someone使某人失望let sb offnot to punish someone, or to give someone a lighter punishment than usual放某人一马;宽恕;从轻处罚He expected to go to prison, but they let him off with a fine.他原以为自己会坐牢,但他们罚了他一笔钱就放了他。let sth outto tell people something that was secret透露(秘密);泄密Who let the story about the mayor's debts out?是谁把市长负债的事说出去的?let sth out / downto make clothes larger / longer把(衣服)放宽(或放长)These pants are too tight. I'll have to let them out.这条裤子太紧,我得把它放宽。let upto become less strong减弱;减轻We'd better wait until the rain lets up.我们最好等雨小一点再说。




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