[uncountable] themeansofpayingforsomethingorbuyingsomething, especiallyintheformofcoinsorbills钱;金钱;货币◆Howmuchmoneydoyouearnayear?你一年挣多少钱?◆Teenagersspendalotofmoneyonclothes.青少年花很多钱买衣服。◆Ourtripcostanawfullotofmoney.我们的旅行花了非常多的钱。◆toborrow / lendmoney向人借钱;借钱给人◆Myfatherinvestedhismoneyinstocksandbonds.我父亲把钱投资于股票和债券。◆Isthispictureworthalotofmoney?这幅画值很多钱吗?●getyourmoney'sworthtogetfullvalueforthemoneyyouhavespent钱花得值;物有所值◆Themealwasexpensive, butwegotourmoney'sworthbecausetherewerefivecourses.那顿饭很贵,但物有所值,因为有五道菜。●makemoneytoearnmoneyortomakeaprofitonabusiness赚钱;获利➨ TOPIC COLLOCATIONS 主题词搭配Money钱income and expenditure收入和支出earn money / cash / a good salarylive on a low wage / a fixed income / a pension/$35,000 a yearcollect / depend on / rely on welfare / Social Securityspend money / your savings / a fortune on …pay in cash / by check / by credit card / with a debit cardchange / exchange money / currency / traveler's checkspersonal finance个人理财manage / handle / plan / run / straighten out your financesplan / manage / work out / stick to a budgetarrange / take out a loanpay back / repay / pay off a loan / debtcan / can't afford (to buy / to pay for) somethingusing a bank account使用银行账户have / hold / open / close a checking account / savings account / bank accountcredit / debit / take money out of / deposit money into your accountget / withdraw money / cash/$50 from an ATM, from your account, etc.make a deposit / withdrawalfind / go to / use an ATM / a cash machinebe overdrawn / in the red / in the black