

词汇 settle
🔑settleset·tle /ˈsɛt̬l /


choose permanent home选择永久住处
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to go and live permanently in a new country, an area, a town, etc.定居;定居于the pioneers who settled the Wild West定居于西大荒的开拓者He served in the Army for eight years before settling in New Haven.他在军队服役八年后在纽黑文定居下来。
end argument结束纷争
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to reach an agreement about something; to end an argument; to find a solution to a disagreement就…达成协议;结束,解决(争端或分歧)They settled the lawsuit without going to court.他们达成了庭外和解。They were willing to settle out of court.他们愿意庭外和解。
decide / arrange决定;安排
  1. [transitive] to decide or arrange something finally (for example a plan, an action, etc.)确定,安排好(计划、行动等)Everything's settled. We leave on the nine o'clock flight on Friday.一切都安排妥了。我们星期五乘九点钟的航班走。
into comfortable position / state进入舒适的位置/状态
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to get into or put someone into a comfortable position(使)处于舒适的位置I settled back in front of the TV for the evening.我舒舒服服地坐在电视机前过了一晚。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make something (for example your stomach or nerves) calm or relaxed(使)平静,放松Have a drink. It might settle your nerves.喝杯饮料吧,或许能让你放松下来。
pay money付钱
  1. [transitive] (business商业) to pay something (a bill, a debt, etc.)付清(账单、债务等);结清to settle a bill结清账单The insurance company settled the claim very quickly.保险公司很快就做出了理赔。
come to rest停歇
  1. [intransitive] to come to rest in a certain position; to land停留;降落Snow settled on some parts of the Midwest for the first time this season.中西部的一些地区下了本季节的第一场雪。
of a liquid液体
  1. [intransitive](used about a liquid) to become clear or still(液体)澄清,停止流动
settle down
  1. to become calm and quiet平静下来;安静下来Settle down! It's time to start class.安静!要上课了。
  1. to get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying舒适地坐下(或躺下)I made a cup of tea and settled down with a good book.我泡了杯茶,舒舒服服地坐了下来看一本好书。
  1. to start having a quieter way of life, especially by staying in the same place or getting married, etc.安顿下来;过安定的生活She had a number of part-time jobs before she eventually settled down.她曾做过几份兼职工作,之后才最终安顿下来。
settle for sthto accept something that is not as good as you hoped it would be勉强接受;将就You'll have to settle for something cheaper.你只能将就买点便宜的东西。settle insettle into sthto get used to or start feeling comfortable in a new home, job, etc.习惯于,适应(新居、新工作等)How are the kids settling in at their new school?孩子们在新学校过得还习惯吗?to settle into a routine适应常规settle on sthto choose something after considering many different things; to decide on something选定;决定




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