

词汇 set
🔑setset1 /sɛt /


(present participle set·ting, past tense, past participle set)
put / start放置;开始
  1. [transitive] to put someone or something in a particular position; to place something somewhere放置;使处于He set a large bowl of soup in front of me.他把一大碗汤放在我面前。The hotel is set in a beautiful area.这家旅馆坐落在一个风景优美的地区。
  1. [transitive] to cause a particular state or event; to start something happening引发;使发生The new governor set the prisoners free.新任州长释放了囚犯。The rioters set a number of cars on fire.暴动者放火焚烧了数辆汽车。Her comment set him thinking.她的话引起了他的深思。
play / book / movie戏剧;书;电影
  1. [transitive] (often passive常用被动语态) to place the action of a book, play, movie, etc. in a particular time, situation, etc.为…设置故事背景The movie is set in 16th-century Spain.影片以 16 世纪的西班牙为背景。
  1. [transitive] to prepare or arrange something for a particular purpose准备;设置;安排I set my alarm for 6:30.我把闹钟设在 6:30。to set the table (= put the plates / knives / forks on it) 摆放餐具Did you set the DVD player to record that movie?你调好数字影碟机来录制那部电影了吗?
example / standard, etc.榜样、标准等
  1. [transitive] to establish something or make something definite树立;创立;确定Try to set a good example for the younger kids.要努力给小孩子树立个好榜样。Can we set a limit of $100 on the cost of materials?我们能把材料成本限定在 100 美元以内吗?They haven't set a date for their wedding yet.他们还没确定婚礼的日期。He has set a new world record.他创下了一项新的世界纪录。
become firm变牢固
  1. [intransitive] to become firm or hard凝固;变硬Put the dessert in the refrigerator for two hours to set.把甜点在冰箱里放两个小时,让它凝固。
  1. [transitive] to fasten a valuable stone in a piece of jewelry镶嵌The pin had three diamonds set in gold.这个饰针上有三颗黄金镶嵌钻石。
  1. [intransitive](used about the sun, etc.) to move lower in the sky and disappear(太阳等)落下,下山 OPP rise
  1. [transitive] (health医疗保健) to put a broken bone in its correct position so that it can get better接(骨);使(断骨)复位The doctor set her broken leg.医生把她的断腿接好了。
  1. [transitive] (old-fashioned) to arrange someone's hair while it is wet so that it dries in a particular style使(头发)定型;做(头发)She went to the salon to have her hair set.她到发廊做头发去了。
set sb / sth apart (from sb / sth)to make someone or something different from or better than others使与众不同;使脱颖而出Her terrific sense of humor really sets her apart from the other candidates.她出色的幽默感确实使她从其他候选人中脱颖而出。set sth aside
  1. to leave or save something for a particular purpose留出备用;放在一边Roll out the pie crust, then set it aside while you prepare the filling.擀好馅饼皮,然后把它放在一边,准备馅。Part of the hall has been set aside for an exhibit of students' artwork.大厅的一部分已被留出来展览学生的艺术作品。
  1. to agree to pay no attention to something for a period of time because other things are more important搁置;(为更重要的事)暂不理会We decided to set aside our differences for the sake of the kids.为了孩子,我们决定搁置我们的分歧。
set sb / sth backto delay someone or something耽搁;使推迟;使拖延The bad weather has set our plans back by six weeks.恶劣的天气使我们的计划延迟了六个星期。set into arrive and remain for a period of time来临;开始It looks like some dark clouds are beginning to set in.看起来乌云就要压顶了。set offto leave on a trip起程;出发;动身We set off at 3 o'clock this morning.我们今天凌晨 3 点钟出发。set sth offto do something which starts a reaction引起;激发;招致When this door is opened, it sets off an alarm.这扇门一打开就会触发警报器。set outto leave on a trip起程;出发;动身They set out at dawn.他们在黎明时出发了。set out to do sthto decide to achieve something决定实现;决心达到She set out to become president of the company.她决心当上公司的总裁。set (sth) upto start; to establish a business, etc.开始;创建;创立The company has set up a new branch in Atlanta.该公司在亚特兰大开了一家新的分公司。After she finished law school, she set up in a practice in her hometown.从法学院毕业后,她在自己家乡的一家事务所开始执业。

🔑setset2 /sɛt /


  1. set (of sth) a number of things that belong together集合;组;套a set of dishes一套盘子a 4-piece towel set四件套的毛巾a set of rules一套规则
  1. a piece of equipment for receiving television signals电视机a TV set电视机
  1. the painted background, furniture, etc. used in a play or movie(戏剧或电影的)布景a musical with spectacular sets布景令人叹为观止的音乐剧 SYN scenery
  1. (sport体育) a group of games forming part of a match in the game of tennis(网球的)一盘She won the match in three straight sets.她连胜三盘赢了比赛。

setset3 /sɛt /


  1. definite and not changing; firm确定的;固定的There are no set hours in my job.我的工作时间不固定。He's getting more and more set in his ways (= with fixed habits and routines which he is unwilling to change) as he gets older.随着年龄的增长,他的生活方式越发固化难改。
  1. set (for sth) | set (to do sth) ready, prepared, or likely to do something准备就绪的;有可能的Okay, I'm all set let's go!好了,我一切准备就绪,我们走吧!I was all set to leave when the phone rang.我一切准备就绪,正要出门,电话铃响了。The Chicago Bulls look set for another victory.芝加哥公牛队再赢一场看来不是问题。
be set against sth / against doing sthto be opposed to something反对(做)某事She's dead (= extremely) set against moving to the country.她坚决反对搬到乡下。be set on sth / on doing sthto be determined to do something决心,决意(做某事)She's set on a career in acting.她一心想进入演艺界。My heart was set on that house (= I really wanted it).我铁了心想要那栋房子。




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