

词汇 press
🔑presspress1 /prɛs /


push / squeeze推;挤
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to push firmly压;按;摁;挤Just press that button, and the door will open.按一下那个按钮,门就会打开。Don't press too hard on the brakes.不要使劲踩刹车。The girl pressed her nose against the window.那个女孩把鼻子贴在窗户上。
  1. [transitive] to hold someone or something firmly as a sign of love, etc.(深情地)紧握,紧抱She pressed his hand to her heart.她把他的手紧贴在自己的心口上。
make flat / smooth使平整
  1. [transitive] to make a piece of clothing smooth by using an iron熨平(衣服) SYN iron
fruit / vegetables水果;蔬菜
  1. [transitive] to put weight onto something, for example in order to get juice out of it把…榨汁;压榨to press grapes榨葡萄汁
try to persuade劝说
  1. [intransitive, transitive] press (sb) (for sth / to do sth) to try to get something or to make someone do something敦促;催促;逼迫to press someone for an answer催促某人回答Their lobbyists are pressing Congress to take action quickly.他们的说客在敦促国会迅速采取行动。
be pressed for sthto not have enough of something, especially time or money(尤指时间或资金)短缺,紧缺I have to hurry. I'm really pressed for time.我得赶快,时间真的很紧。press charges (against sb)to make an official statement that someone has done something illegal, so that he / she must go to court起诉;控告 press against, around, etc. (sth)(used about people) to move in a particular direction by pushing(人)推,挤,贴The crowd pressed up against the fence.人群挤得紧贴在栅栏上。press ahead / forward / on (with sth)to continue doing something even though it is difficult or hard work(不顾困难或艰辛)决心继续做,一往无前They pressed on with their efforts to find the killer.他们决心加紧查找凶手。

🔑presspress2 /prɛs /


  1. the press [singular] newspapers, and the journalists who work for them. The news departments of television and radio are also part of the press.媒体;报刊;记者The candidate refused to speak to the press.那名候选人拒绝向媒体发表意见。members of the local press当地媒体记者The law ensures the freedom of the press in this country.在这个国家法律保障新闻自由。
  1. [countable] a company that publishes books出版公司;出版社Oxford University Press牛津大学出版社
  1. [countable] = printing press
good / bad presspositive / negative attention in newspapers, on television or the radio, etc.媒体的好评/恶评The governor's tax proposals have gotten a lot of bad press recently.州长的税收提案最近受到媒体的大量非议。




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