

词汇 give sb sth
[transitive] give sb sth | give sth to sb to provide someone with something he / she wants, asks for, or pays for给,给予(某人想要的或买下的东西)He was thirsty, so I gave him a drink.他渴了,所以我给了他一杯饮料。I hope the doctor will give me some new pills.我希望大夫可以给我开一些新品种的药片。Can you give me some help with my homework?你能教我做家庭作业吗?

[transitive] give sb sth | give sth to sb to hand something to someone as a present; to allow someone to have something as a present赠送;赠与;送给My parents gave me a watch for my birthday.我父母送了我一块手表作为生日礼物。to give money to charity捐钱给慈善机构

[transitive] give sb sth to cause someone or something to have or feel something引起;使产生;使感觉到The news about his father gave him a big shock.他父亲的消息让他大为震惊。Hard work gives you an appetite.辛苦工作后会有好胃口。That noise is giving me a headache.那种噪音吵得我头直痛。

[transitive] give sb sth | give sth to sb to hand something to someone so that he / she can look at it, use it, or keep it for a time给;交给Can you give me that book over there?你可以把那边的那本书递给我吗?I gave my ticket to the woman at the check-in desk.我把票交给登机手续办理台的女职员。

[transitive] give sth | give sb sth | give sth to sb / sth to perform an action做(某一动作或行为)She gave my hand a squeeze (= she squeezed it).她捏了一下我的手。They gave us a warm welcome.他们热烈欢迎我们。He gave me a very long answer.他给了我一个冗长的答复。She gave him a kiss.她吻了他一下。




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