

词汇 implement
implementim·ple·ment AW 1 /ˈɪmpləmənt /


a tool or instrument (especially for work outdoors)(尤指户外工作的)工具farm implements农具➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析A tool is usually something you can hold in your hand, for example a wrench or a hammer. * tool 通常指能握在手中的工具,如扳手或锤子。An implement is often used outside, for example for farming or gardening. * implement 常指在户外使用的工具,如农具或园艺工具。A machine has moving parts and works with electricity, with an engine, etc. * machine (机器)有活动部件,靠电或发动机等驱动。An instrument is often used for technical or delicate work. * instrument (仪器)常用于技术性或精密工作a dentist's instruments牙医器械precision instruments精密仪器A device is a more general word for a piece of equipment that you consider to be useful. * device (设备)含义更为广泛,指被认为有用的器具The machine has a safety device which switches the power off if there is a problem.这台机器有一个保险装置,出现故障时会切断电源。

implementim·ple·ment AW 2 /ˈɪmpləmɛnt /


to start using a plan, system, etc.贯彻;实施;执行The tax reforms will be implemented next year.明年将实行税收改革。
im·ple·men·ta·tion AW /ˌɪmpləmənˈteɪʃn /


[uncountable] the implementation of the new system新体制的实施




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