

词汇 open
🔑openo·pen1 /ˈoʊpən /


not closed开着
  1. not closed开着的;没合上的Don't leave the door open.别让门开着。an open window敞开的窗户I can't get this carton of milk open.我打不开这盒牛奶。She stared at me with her eyes wide open.她瞪大眼睛看着我。The diary was lying open on her desk.日记本摊开放在她的桌子上。The curtains were open so that we could see into the room.窗帘开着,所以我们能看见房间的里面。
person's character性格
  1. honest and willing to talk直率的;坦诚的Jane will tell you exactly what happened at the meeting she's a very open person.简会确切地告诉你开会时发生的事,她是个非常坦率的人。
not hidden未掩盖
  1. not hidden or secret公开的;不加掩饰的He looked at him with open dislike.他看着他,毫不掩饰自己的厌恶。
for customers / visitors顾客;来访者
  1. (business商业) with its doors not locked so that customers can enter开门营业;开放The bank isn't open until 9:30.银行要到 9:30 才开门。
of building建筑物
  1. (used about a new building, public area, etc.) ready to be used for the first time(新建筑物、公共场所等)开业,开张The new shopping mall will be open soon.新的购物中心很快就要开张了。
  1. open (to sb / sth) (used about a road, a course of action, etc.) possible to use, do, etc.(道路等)可使用;(处理方法等)可采取After the heavy snow many minor roads were not open to traffic.大雪过后许多次要的道路被封闭。
  1. open (to sb / sth) that anyone can enter, visit, etc.人人可参加(或参观等);(对…)开放The competition is open to everyone.所有人均可参赛。The building is open to the public in the summer.这座建筑物夏天时对公众开放。
  1. (used about clothes) with the buttons not fastened(衣服)没系扣的,敞开的His shirt was open at the neck.他的衬衣领口开着。
not enclosed未围着
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) (used about an area of land) with few buildings, towns, etc. near(土地)开阔的,空旷的open country空旷的乡间地带
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) (used about an area of ocean) at a distance from the land(海域)开阔的,远离陆地的Once we were out in the open ocean, the wind got stronger.我们一进入开阔的海域,风就变大了。
not covered未覆盖
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) not covered未覆盖的;敞开的;裸露的an open fire明火
not yet decided未决定
  1. not finally decided; still being considered悬而未决的;尚在考虑的Let's leave the details open.咱们先不考虑细节问题。
have / keep an open mind (about / on sth)to be willing to listen to or consider new ideas and suggestions思想开通;愿意听取意见in the open airoutside在户外;露天a picnic in the open air露天野餐keep an eye open / out (for sb / sth)to watch or look out for someone or something注意;留心I lost my ring could you keep an eye out for it?我丢了戒指,你留意着点儿好吗?open to sthwilling to receive something愿意接受I'm always open to suggestions.我一向从善如流。with open armsin a friendly way that shows that you are pleased to see someone or have something热情地;诚挚地

🔑openo·pen2 /ˈoʊpən /


door / window / container门;窗;容器
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to become open or to make something open开;打开;开启This window won't open it's stuck.这扇窗户打不开,卡住了。Do you mind if I open this window?你介意我打开这扇窗户吗?When I opened my eyes, she was gone.当我睁开眼的时候,她已经不见了。Can I open my presents now?我现在可以打开礼物吗?
to fold / spread out展开
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to fold out, back, etc.展开;打开The book opened at the exact page I needed.书正好翻开在我要的那一页。Open your hand what do you have inside?把手张开,你手里攥着什么呢?She opened the curtains and looked out.她拉开窗帘往外看。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] open (sth) (out) (used about a map, etc.) to fold out(地图等)展开,摊开Open the map out and let's all take a look.打开地图,咱们都看一看。
of business / store, etc.公司、商店等
  1. [intransitive, transitive] (business商业) (used about a store, an office, etc.) to not be locked so that business, work, etc. can start; to make a place ready for business(商店、办公室等)开门,开放;使开始营业The store hasn't opened yet.那家商店还没开门。They open the museum an hour later on Sundays.该博物馆星期天晚一小时开放。
with ceremony仪式
  1. [transitive] to say officially that a new building, etc. is ready for use宣布启用(新大楼等)The mayor will open the stadium next week.市长下星期将为体育场揭幕。
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to start开始The play opens on Broadway next month.下个月这部戏在百老汇上演。The chairman opened the meeting by welcoming everyone.会议开场主席向所有与会者表示欢迎。I'd like to open a bank account.我想开立一个银行账户。
border / road边境;道路
  1. [transitive] to make a road, etc. available for use again使(道路等)通行;开放Snowplows have opened many major roads.铲雪车使许多交通要道得以通行。
OPP close
open fire (at / on sb / sth)to start shooting开火;开始射击He ordered his men to open fire on the advancing enemy troops.他命令部下朝步步逼近的敌军开火。 open into / onto sthto lead straight to something通向;通往This door opens onto the lawn.这扇门通往草坪。open (sth) up
  1. to become available or to make something available(某事物)可得到,可使用;使可得到After I graduated from college, all sorts of opportunities opened up for me.我大学毕业后有各种各样的机会可供选择。Parts of the desert may soon be opened up for farming.沙漠的一些区域可能很快能被用于农业耕作。
  1. to open a door开门“Open up! shouted the police to the man inside.“开门!”警察对里面的男子喊道。

openo·pen3 /ˈoʊpən / the open


outside户外;野外;露天After working in an office all week, I like to be out in the open on weekends.在办公室工作整整一个星期后,周末我喜欢到户外走走。bring sth out into the opencome out into the opento make something known publicly; to be known publicly(使)公开,为人所知I'm glad our secret has come out into the open at last.我很高兴我们的秘密终于公开了。




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