

词汇 leave
🔑leaveleave1 /liv /


(past tense, past participle left /lɛft /)
go away离开
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to go away from someone or something离开When should we leave for the airport?我们该什么时间动身去机场?The train leaves Ottawa at just after ten.火车一过十点就发车驶离渥太华。Barry left his wife for another woman.巴里为了另一个女人而抛弃了自己的妻子。He left his mother in tears.他含泪告别了母亲。
someone or something in condition / place处于某状态;在某地方
  1. [transitive] to cause or allow someone or something to stay in a particular place or condition使停留;使处于;听任…处于(某处或某状态)Leave the door open, please.请让门开着。Don't leave the iron on when you are not using it.电熨斗不用的时候不要让它开着。Don't leave your friend outside. Ask him in.别把你的朋友留在外面,让他进来。
  1. [transitive] to forget to bring something with you忘记带I can't find my glasses. I must have left them at work.我的眼镜找不着了,一定是落在单位了。
  1. [transitive] to cause something to remain as a result导致,留下(某结果)Don't put that cup on the table. It'll leave a mark.别把茶杯放在桌子上,会留下印子的。
  1. [transitive] to not use something不使用;保留Leave some cake for me, please.请给我留点蛋糕。Is there any bread left?还有面包吗?
  1. [transitive] to put something somewhere放置Val left a message on her answering machine.瓦尔在她的电话答录机上留了言。I left him a note.我给他留了一张便条。
something to do later以后要做的事
  1. [transitive] to wait until later to do something等以后做;搁置Let's leave the dishes until tomorrow.咱们把碗留到明天洗吧。
after death死后
  1. [transitive] to give something to someone when you die遗赠;留给In his will he left everything to his three sons.他在遗嘱中把全部财产都留给了三个儿子。
responsibility to someone交给某人责任
  1. [transitive] to give the care of someone or something to another person将…交给(他人照看);托付;委托I'll leave it to you to organize the food.安排伙食的事我就交给你了。He left his assistant in charge when he went on vacation.他去度假时委托他的助手处理事务。
leave sb / sth aloneto not touch, bother, or speak to someone or something不碰;不打扰;不与…说话She's very upset. Leave her alone for a few minutes.她很心烦,让她单独待会儿。leave sth / a lot, much, etc. to be desired (formal) to be (a lot) less than perfect(远)不够完美;还有(许多)需要改进的地方Quite frankly, your work lately has left a lot to be desired.老实说,你最近的工作有许多需要改进的地方。The special effects left something to be desired.这些特技效果不尽如人意。leave sb in the lurchto leave someone without help in a difficult situation让某人处于孤立无援的境地 leave sb / sth behindto forget to bring something with you忘记带I left my gloves behind and now my hands are cold.我忘了带手套,现在手很冷。leave sb / sth out (of sth)to not include someone or something不包括;漏掉This doesn't make sense. I think you left out a line.此处文意不通,我认为你漏掉了一行。leave sth with sbto give the responsibility for doing something to someone else将…交给;把…托付给Leave it with me and I'll get it taken care of.这事交给我吧,我会处理的。

leaveleave2 /liv /


[countable, uncountable]
a period of time when you do not go to work, usually for a particular reason假期;休假Peggy has been away on sick leave since her operation.佩姬手术后一直在休病假。maternity leave (= for a woman who has just had a baby) 产假I'm taking a six-week leave of absence from work.我打算休假六周,不上班了。




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