

词汇 lead
🔑leadlead1 /lid /


(past tense, past participle led /lɛd /)
show the way带路
  1. [transitive] to go with or in front of a person or animal to show the way or to make him / her / it go in the right direction(给…)带路,领路,引路The teacher led the class back to the classroom.老师把那个班的学生带回教室。The receptionist led the way to the office.接待员领路来到办公室。to lead someone by the hand牵着某人的手领路
of road / path道路;小路
  1. [intransitive](used about a road or path) to go to a place(道路或小径)通往,通向I don't think this path leads anywhere.我觉得这条路是个死胡同。
  1. [intransitive] lead to sth to have something as a result导致;引起;造成Eating too much sugar can lead to all kinds of health problems.摄入过多的糖会引起各种各样的健康问题。➨ LANGUAGE BANK用语库Cause and EffectX causes Y * X 导致 YChildhood obesity can cause / lead to long-term health problems.儿童肥胖会导致长期的健康问题。Research suggests that fast food and soft drinks directly contribute to childhood obesity.研究表明快餐和软饮料会直接导致儿童肥胖。The increase in childhood obesity is largely due to / the result of changes in lifestyle and diet over the last thirty years.肥胖儿童的增加很大程度上是由近三十年生活方式和饮食习惯的改变导致的。Today, busy parents often do not have time to cook healthy meals for their children. Consequently / As a consequence, many children grow up eating too much junk food.现今,忙碌的家长经常没时间为自己的孩子做健康饭菜。因此,许多孩子在成长过程中吃了太多的垃圾食品。
  1. [transitive] to influence what someone does or thinks诱导;引导(某人的行为或想法)He led me to believe he really meant what he said.他让我相信了他说的话是认真的。
  1. [transitive] to have a particular type of life过(某种生活)They lead a very busy life.他们生活很忙碌。to lead a life of crime平日里为非作歹
be best / first最佳;第一
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to be the best at something; to be in first place领先;处于首位The champion is leading by 18 seconds.冠军领先 18 秒。We lead the way in space technology.我们在航天技术方面处于领先地位。
be in control控制
  1. [intransitive, transitive] to be in control or the leader of something控制;主持;领导;掌管Who is going to lead the discussion?谁来主持讨论?
lead up to sthto be an introduction to or cause of something导致;引起What were the events that led up to the war?哪些事件引发了这场战争?

🔑leadlead2 /lid /


first place首位
  1. [singular] a position ahead of other people, organizations, etc.领先地位America has taken the lead in developing computer software.美国在开发计算机软件方面处于领先地位。
  1. the lead [singular] the first place or position领先位置;首位The Canadian athlete has just gone into the lead.那名加拿大运动员刚刚开始领先。Who is in the lead?谁处于领先位置?
  1. [singular] the distance or amount by which someone or something is in front of another person or thing领先的距离;超前的量The company has a lead of several years in the development of the new technology.这家公司在这项新技术的研发方面领先了好几年。
actor / musician演员;音乐人
  1. [countable] the main part or role in a play or show主角;主导角色Who's playing the lead in the new movie?谁是这部新电影的主角?
  1. [countable] a piece of information that may help to give the answer to a problem(帮助解决问题的)线索The police are following all possible leads to track down the killer.警方正循着一切可能的线索追查杀手。
follow sb's example / leadto do what someone else has done or decided to do以某人为榜样;效法某人

leadlead3 /lɛd /


  1. [uncountable] (symbol Pb) (chemistry化学) a soft heavy gray metal. Lead is used in pipes, etc.
  1. [countable, uncountable] the black substance inside a pencil that makes a mark when you write铅笔芯




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