

词汇 suppose
🔑supposesup·pose /səˈpoʊz /


  1. to think, believe, or consider that something is likely认为;推断;料想I suppose he seems unfriendly because he is shy.我觉得他看上去冷漠是因为他害羞。What effect do you suppose the drought is having?你认为这场旱灾将会造成什么影响?
  1. to pretend that something will happen or is true假定;假设;设想Suppose you won a million dollars. What would you do?假设你赢了 100 万美元,你会做些什么?
be supposed to be sthto be considered or thought to be something应当是;应该是;被视为I haven't seen it, but it's supposed to be a good play.我还没看这出戏,但应该很不错。This is supposed to be the best Mexican restaurant in town.这里被认为是镇子上最好的墨西哥餐馆。be supposed to do sthto be expected to do something or to have to do something应当做某事;应该做某事The plane was supposed to arrive 45 minutes ago.飞机 45 分钟前就该到了。I'm not supposed to talk about what happened at the meeting.我不应当谈论会上发生的事。I suppose
  1. used to show that you are not certain about something(表示不确定)我想,可能It's about ten years old, I suppose.我想它大约有十年的历史了。
  1. used when you agree with something, but are not very happy about it(表示勉强同意)那好吧“Can I have another cookie? “I suppose so, but only one.“我能再吃一块曲奇饼干吗?”“好吧,但只能吃一块。”




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