

词汇 gear
🔑geargear1 /ɡɪr /


  1. [countable] the machinery in a vehicle that turns engine power into a movement forward or backward(车辆的)排挡,齿轮,传动装置
  1. [uncountable] a particular position of the gears on a bicycle, in a car, etc. that gives a particular range of speed and power(自行车、汽车等所挂的)挡first, second, etc. gear一挡、二挡等reverse gear倒车挡You can't pedal up that hill in fifth gear!你挂五挡是上不了那个山坡的!
  1. [uncountable] equipment or clothing that you need for a particular activity, etc.(做某项活动所需的)器具,用具,服装camping / fishing gear野营/钓鱼用具
  1. [singular] (often in compounds常构成复合词) a piece of machinery used for a particular purpose(特定用途的)器械,装置the landing gear of an airplane飞机的起落装置

geargear2 /ɡɪr /


gear sth for / to / toward sth (often passive常用被动语态) to make something suitable for a particular purpose使适合;使与…相适应There is a special course geared toward older students.有一门专门针对大龄学生的课程。gear up (for sb / sth)gear sb / sth up (for sb / sth)to get ready or to make someone or something ready(使)做好准备I was all geared up for the party, but it was canceled at the last minute.我为聚会做好了各种准备,但在最后一刻它却给取消了。




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