

词汇 mistake
🔑mistakemis·take1 /mɪˈsteɪk /


[countable, uncountable]
something that you think or do that is wrong错误;失误Try not to make any mistakes.尽量不要出错。The teacher corrected my mistakes.老师纠正了我的错误。a spelling mistake拼写错误I think there must be some mistake. My name is Sedgley, not Selley.我看这一定是搞错了。我的名字是塞奇利,不是塞利。It was a big mistake not to reserve our seats earlier.我们没有提前预订座位,这是一大错误。I made the mistake of giving him my e-mail address.我把我的电邮地址给了他,真是一个错误。by mistakeas a result of a being careless错误地;无意中The terrorists shot the wrong man by mistake.恐怖分子错杀了另一个人。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析Mistake, error, or fault? * mistake、error 还是 fault?Error is more formal than mistake. * error 比 mistake 正式Please accept my apologies. I opened your letter in error.请接受我的道歉,我误拆了你的信。I'm sorry. I opened your letter by mistake.对不起,我误拆了你的信。There are some expressions where only error can be used.有些表达方式只能用 erroran error of judgment判断错误human error人为的错误a computer error电脑出错Fault indicates who is responsible for something bad. * fault 牵涉谁要为坏事负责的问题The accident wasn't my fault. The other driver pulled out in front of me.事故不是我的过错,是另一个司机突然把车开到我的前面。Fault is also used to describe a problem or weakness that someone or something has. * fault 也可以指某人或某物的问题或缺点a technical fault技术故障

🔑mistakemis·take2 /mɪˈsteɪk /


[transitive] (past tense mis·took /mɪˈstʊk / , past participle mis·tak·en /mɪˈsteɪkən /)mistake sb / sth for sb / sth
to think wrongly that someone or something is another person or thing将…错当成Police mistook my car for one that had been used in a bank robbery.警方错把我的车当成一次银行抢劫案中用的车。




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