

词汇 minor
🔑minormi·nor AW 1 /ˈmaɪnər /


  1. not very big, serious, or important (when compared with others)较小的;次要的;轻微的It's only a minor problem. Don't worry.这只是个小问题,不必担心。She's in the hospital for a minor operation.她住院了,要做个小手术。
  1. (music音乐) of one of the two types of key1 (4) in which music is usually written(音乐)小调的,小音阶的a symphony in F minorF 小调交响乐
OPP major

minormi·nor AW 2 /ˈmaɪnər /


  1. a person who is not old enough to do something legally(法律上的)未成年人The purchase of cigarettes by minors is strictly prohibited.严禁未成年人购买香烟。He was arrested for selling alcohol to minors.他因为向未成年人售酒而被捕。
  1. a second subject that you study at college辅修科目;辅修课程He's studying French with a minor in art history.他学的是法语,辅修艺术史。
  1. a person who is studying something as a second subject学辅修科目的人He's an art history minor.他辅修艺术史。
  look at major2

minormi·nor AW 3 /ˈmaɪnər /


minor in sthto study something as a second subject at a college or university辅修He's minoring in art history.他正在辅修艺术史。  look at major3




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