

词汇 gap
🔑gapgap /ɡæp /


[countable] a gap (in / between sth)
  1. an empty space in something or between two things缺口;豁口;缝隙;孔隙The sheep got out through a gap in the fence.羊是从篱笆中间的豁口出去的。He has a gap between his two front teeth.他的两颗门牙之间有个豁口。
  1. an absence of something; a space where something should be空白;漏洞;缺口There were several gaps in his story.在他的叙述中有几处漏洞。I think our new product should fill a gap in the market.我认为我们的新产品应该能够填补市场空白。Her husband's death left a big gap in her life.丈夫的去世给她的生活留下了巨大的空白。
  1. a period of time that is not filled or when you are not doing what you normally do间断;间隔;间隙I returned to teaching after a gap of about five years.我隔了大约五年之后又回到了教学岗位。a gap in the conversation谈话的间隙
  1. a difference between people or their ideas分歧;隔阂;差距The gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider.贫富之间的差距愈来愈大。the generation gap (= the difference in opinions between parents and their children) 代沟
bridge a / the gapto fill a space between two people, groups, or things or to bring them closer together填补空缺;弥合差距;消除隔阂




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