

词汇 present
🔑presentpres·ent1 /ˈprɛznt /


  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) being in a particular place出席;在场There were 200 people present at the meeting.有 200 人出席了会议。 OPP absent
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) existing or happening now现在的;当前的We hope to solve our present problems very soon.我们希望很快解决目前的问题。
the present daymodern times当代;当前In some countries, traditional methods of farming have survived to the present day.在一些国家,传统的耕作方式一直沿用至今。present-day attitudes toward women当今对女性的态度

🔑presentpres·ent2 /ˈprɛznt /


  1. [countable] something that you give to someone or receive from someone礼物;礼品a birthday / wedding / Christmas present生日/结婚/圣诞节礼物The tie was a present from my sister.这条领带是我姐姐送我的。I have to buy a present for my friend.我得给我的朋友买件礼物。 SYN gift
  1. the present [singular] the time now现在;当代We live in the present, but we must learn from the past.我们活在当下,但必须从过去吸取经验教训。
  1. the present [singular] (English language arts英语语言文学) = the present tense
at present (formal) right now眼下;目前I'm sorry, he's out at present.很抱歉,他这会儿不在。for the moment / presentfor a short time; for now暂时;暂且;目前I'm not very happy at work but I'll stay there for the moment.我工作不是很开心,但是我会暂时先做着。

🔑presentpre·sent3 /prɪˈzɛnt /


  1. present sb with sth | present sth (to sb) to give something to someone, especially at a formal ceremony献给;颁发;授予All the dancers were presented with flowers.所有舞蹈演员都受到了献花。Flowers were presented to all the dancers.向所有舞蹈演员都献了花。The principal presented a trophy to the winner.校长为获胜者颁发了奖杯。
something to be considered考虑的事
  1. to give or show something that you have prepared提交;递交;展示;呈现Good teachers try to present their material in an interesting way.好的教师会尽力将教材以有趣的方式展现出来。to present a report to the board of directors向董事会提交报告
  1. to cause or provide something造成;提供Learning English presented no problem to him.学习英语对他来说不是问题。The course aims to present each participant with new challenges.这门课的目标是向每一个参与者提出新的挑战。
play / broadcast戏剧;广播
  1. to show a play, etc. to the public演出;推出;播出The local theater company is presenting a musical this summer.当地剧团今年夏天将推出音乐剧。
introduce someone介绍
  1. (formal) present sb (to sb) to introduce someone to a person in a formal situation正式介绍;引见Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present my associate, Mr. Steve Jackson.女士们,先生们,请允许我介绍我的同事史蒂夫 · 杰克逊。




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