

词汇 one
🔑oneone1 /wʌn /






  1. the number 1There's only one cookie left.只剩下一块饼干了。The trip takes one hour.这趟旅程要花一个小时。If you take one from ten, it leaves nine.十减一得九。
  1. (used for emphasizing something) only(表示强调)唯一She's the one person I trust.她是我唯一信任的人。
  1. (used when you are talking about a time in the past or future without actually saying which one) a certain(泛指过去或将来的时间)某个He came to see me one evening last week.他上星期的一个晚上来看我了。We ought to go and visit them one day.我们哪天得去看看他们。
  1. (formal) (used in front of someone's name to show that you do not know the person) a certain(用于人名前,表示不认识的人)某一个I believe that one Wanda Smith is the person you need to see.我想有位万达 · 史密斯是你需要见的人。
  1. used with the other, another, or other(s) to make a contrast(与 the other、another 或 other(s) 连用,表示对比)The twins are so much alike that it's hard to tell one from the other.这对双胞胎非常像,很难把他们彼此分辨出来。
  1. the same同一个We can't all get in this one car.我们没法全部人都挤进这一辆车。
(all) in oneall together or combined合而为一;融为一体It's a shampoo and a conditioner all in one.这是二合一洗发护发剂。one after another / the otherfirst one, then the next, etc.一个接一个;依次;先后One after another, the winners went up to get their prizes.获胜者一个接一个上台领奖。one by oneseparately and in order一个一个地;分别;逐一One by one, the boys were called in to the principal's office.男孩们被逐个叫到校长办公室。one of a kindnot similar to anything or anyone else独一无二;独特I miss my grandpa he was really one of a kind.我想念祖父,他真的非常独特。one or twoa few一两个;几个I borrowed one or two new books from the library.我从图书馆借了几本新书。Just take one or two not too many.拿一两个就行了,不要拿太多。

🔑oneone2 /wʌn /


  1. used instead of repeating a noun(用以代替名词,避免重复)I think I'll have an apple. Would you like one?我想吃个苹果。你要一个吗?
  1. one of a member of a group(群体中的)一个One of the plates is broken.其中一个盘子打破了。He's staying with one of his friends.他现在和一个朋友住在一起。One of the kids is crying.其中一个孩子正在哭。
  1. (formal) used for referring to people in general, including the speaker or writer(泛指人,包括说话者或作者在内)One must be sure of one's facts before criticizing other people.在批评别人之前必须对自己掌握的事实很有把握。
one anothereach other互相;彼此We exchanged news with one another.我们彼此交换了消息。You should listen to one another more often.你们应该更经常地相互听取意见。

oneone3 /wʌn /


  1. used after this, that, which, or after an adjective which cannot stand alone(用于 this、that、which 或不能单独使用的形容词之后)“Which dress do you like? “This one.“你喜欢哪条连衣裙?”“这条。”“Can I borrow some books of yours? “Yes. Which ones?“我可以借几本你的书吗?”“可以。哪几本?”This coat's a little too small. You need a bigger one.这件外套小了点。你需要一件大点儿的。That idea is a very good one.那个主意很好。
  1. used before a group of words that show which person or thing you are talking about(用于一组词前,表示所谈及的人或事物)My house is the one after the post office.我的房子是邮局后面那一栋。The girl he's going out with is the one with red hair.跟他谈恋爱的女孩是红头发的那个。If you find some questions difficult, leave out the ones you don't understand.如果觉得有些问题很难,就跳过那些你不懂的。
  1. someone某种人She's not one to get upset easily.她不是那种动不动就生气的人。




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