

词汇 preference
🔑preferencepref·er·ence /ˈprɛfərəns ; ˈprɛfrəns /


  1. [singular, uncountable] preference (for sth) a liking for something rather than for something else偏爱;偏好;喜好What you wear is a matter of personal preference.穿什么衣服是个人喜好。We have both red and white wine. Do you have a preference for one or the other?我们红白葡萄酒都有,你偏好哪一种?
  1. [uncountable] preference (to sb) special, better treatment that you give to one person or group, but not to others优待;特惠When assigning seats, we will give preference to families with young children.分配座位时,我们会优先考虑有小孩的家庭。Please list your choices in order of preference (= put the thing you want most at the top of the list, and so on).请按照喜好程度列出你的选择。




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