

词汇 identify
🔑identifyi·den·ti·fy AW /aɪˈdɛntəfaɪ /


[transitive] (present participle i·den·ti·fy·ing, third person singular present tense i·den·ti·fies, past tense, past participle i·den·ti·fied)identify sb / sth (as sb / sth)
to recognize or be able to say who or what someone or something is鉴定;识别;辨认The police need someone to identify the body.警方需要有人辨认尸体。to identify the cause of a problem找出问题起因 identify with sbto feel that you understand and share what someone else is feeling和某人有同感;认同某人I found it hard to identify with the woman in the movie.我难以认同电影中的那个女人。identify (yourself) with sb / sthto support or be closely connected with someone or something支持;和…有密切联系He was identified closely with the new political party.他和新成立的政党关系密切。➨ AWL COLLOCATIONS 学术词搭配identifyidentify verb鉴定;识别;辨认 researcher, scholar, scientist, witness | analysis, report, research, study, survey Scholars have identified about eight hundred scrolls.学者鉴定了大约八百帧卷轴。Overall, the study identified two significant conclusions.总之,这一研究得出了两个重要结论。 target | pattern, trend | variable | factor | cause | source Research underway now will identify the factors responsible for the decline of native plants and animals.正在进行的研究将找出导致当地动植物减少的因素。 previously | positively | accurately, correctly | easily, readily | clearly | incorrectly, mistakenly Students correctly identified sixteen tree species that were found on their study sites.学生们准确辨认出在研究地点发现的十六个树种。identification noun鉴定;识别;辨认 accurate, correct, precise | positive | false, mistaken | eyewitness Precise identification of problems is key to the development of an effective solution.问题的准确识别对于找到有效的解决方案至关重要。identity noun身份;认同 cultural, ethnic, gender, national, racial, regional | collective | individual, personal A weakening of national identity may well make regional ones stronger.民族认同的弱化很可能使地域认同得到强化。




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