

词汇 hurry
🔑hurryhur·ry1 /ˈhəri /


(present participle hur·ry·ing, third person singular present tense hur·ries, past tense, past participle hur·ried)
  1. [intransitive] to move or do something quickly赶忙;匆忙;急忙Don't hurry. There's plenty of time.别急,有的是时间。They hurried back home after school.他们放学后急忙赶回了家。 SYN rush
  1. [transitive] to cause someone or something to do something or to happen more quickly催促;促使He was hurried into a decision.他在催促之下做出了决定。
hurry up (informal) to move or do something more quickly赶快;加速Hurry up or we'll miss our flight.快点,不然我们就赶不上飞机了。

🔑hurryhur·ry2 /ˈhəri /


a need or wish to do something quickly匆忙;仓促;急忙Take your time. There's no hurry.慢慢来,不用急。What's the hurry?急什么?in a hurry
  1. quickly迅速;赶快She got up late and left in a hurry.她起床晚了,走得很匆忙。
  1. wanting to do something soon急于(做某事);迫不及待They are in a hurry to get the job done before winter.他们急切地想在冬天来临之前完工。
in no hurrynot in any hurry
  1. not needing or wishing to do something quickly不着急,不急于(做某事)We weren't in any hurry, so we stopped to admire the view.我们并不着急,所以就停下来欣赏风景。
  1. unwilling不想;不情愿I am in no hurry to repeat that experience.我可不想再经历那么一次。




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