

词汇 mind
🔑mindmind1 /maɪnd /


[countable, uncountable]
the part of your brain that thinks and remembers; your thoughts and intelligence头脑;大脑;思想;智慧He has a very sharp mind.他非常聪明。be out of your mind (informal) to be crazy脑子不正常;发疯He must be out of his mind to give up a job like that.他肯定是疯了,放弃了那样一份工作。bear in mind (that)to remember that记住;牢记在心Bear in mind that the weather here can change very quickly.要记住,这里的天气变化非常快。blow your mind (informal) to be very surprising, often in a pleasant way令人惊喜Wow! That concert totally blew my mind!哇!那场音乐会简直让我惊喜万分!change your mindto change your decision or opinion改变主意I'll have the green one. No, I changed my mind. I want the red one.我想要那个绿的。不,我改变主意了,我要那个红的。cross your mind(used about a thought, an idea, etc.) to come into your mind(想法、主意等)掠过心头,出现在脑海里It never even crossed my mind that she was lying.我从来就没想过她在撒谎。frame of minda particular state or condition of your feelings; your mood心境;心情;情绪I'm not in the right frame of mind for a party. I'd rather be alone.我没心思参加聚会,宁愿自己一个人待着。give sb a piece of your mind (informal) to criticize someone in an angry way冲某人发火;教训某人have / keep an open mind (about / on sth)to be willing to listen to or consider new ideas and suggestions思想开通;愿意听取意见in mindin your / someone's thoughts记住;念及;考虑I understand your concern and I'll keep it in mind for the future.我明白你的担忧,以后我会记在心里的。in the back of your mindin your thoughts, but not the main thing that you are thinking about在潜意识里;心里隐约想着Even when I'm at work, that problem is in the back of my mind.即使我在工作,那个问题也萦绕在我心头。keep your mind on sthto continue to pay attention to something专心于;集中精力于Stop talking and try to keep your mind on your work!别说话了,专心工作!make up your mindto decide决定;拿定主意I can't make up my mind which sweater to buy.我拿不定主意该买哪件毛衣。on your mindworrying you担忧;操心Don't bother her with that. She's got enough on her mind already.别为那事去打扰她,她的烦心事已经够多了。slip your mindto be forgotten被忘掉I'm sorry the meeting completely slipped my mind.对不起,我把开会的事忘得一干二净了。spring to mindif something springs to mind, you suddenly remember or think of it突然想起;忽然记起state of mindmental condition精神状态;心情;心境How would you describe her state of mind at that time?你会怎么形容她那时候的精神状态?take your / sb's mind off sthto help you / someone not to think or worry about something(使)不想某事,不再为某事担忧

🔑mindmind2 /maɪnd /


  1. [intransitive, transitive] (especially in questions, answers, and negative sentences尤用于疑问句、回答和否定句) to feel annoyed, unhappy, or uncomfortable介意;对…感到不快“Do you mind if I smoke? “No, not at all.“你介意我抽烟吗?”“一点都不。”I'm sure he won't mind if you borrow his phone.我肯定你借用他的电话他不会介意。We have four kids so I hope you won't mind about the mess!我们有四个孩子,所以我希望你不要介意这里乱糟糟的!Do you mind having to travel so far to work every day?每天要赶那么远的路上班,你介意吗?I wouldn't mind a vacation in the Caribbean this year! (= I would like it.) 我想今年到加勒比海度假!
  1. [transitive](used in a question as a polite way of asking someone to do something) could you…?(用于疑问句,表示客气地请人做事)请…好吗?Would you mind closing the window for me?请帮我关上窗户好吗?Do you mind driving? I'm feeling pretty tired.你来开车好吗?我太累了。
mind your own business (informal) to pay attention to your own affairs, not other people's少管闲事;管好自己的事Mom, tell Todd to mind his own business and stop listening to my private calls!妈妈,让托德管好他自己的事,别再偷听我的私人电话了!never minddo not worry; it does not matter别着急;别担心;没关系“I forgot to mail your letter. “Never mind, I'll do it later.“我忘了邮寄你的信。”“没关系,我稍后去寄吧。”




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