

词汇 person
🔑personper·son /ˈpərsn /


(plural peo·ple or formal per·sons)
  1. [countable] a man, woman, or child(一个)人I would like to speak to the person in charge.我想和负责人谈谈。➨ WHICH WORD?词语辨析People is almost always used instead of the plural form persons. Persons is very formal and is usually used in legal language, etc. * person 的复数形式几乎总是用 people,而不用 persons。persons 非常正式,通常用于法律语境等Persons under the age of twenty-one are not permitted to buy alcohol.年龄未满二十一岁的人禁止买酒。Folk(s) is an informal word for people. It is often used when you are talking about older people or people who live in the country. * folk 或 folks 是泛指“人”的非正式用语,常用来指年纪较大的人或住在乡下的人The old folks have seen many changes in the town over the years.老人们目睹了这些年来该镇的许多变化。
  1. [countable] (informal) (usually after another noun通常用于另一名词后) someone who likes or is interested in the thing mentioned喜欢…的人;对…感兴趣的人I'm not really much of a sports person.我不是一个很喜欢体育运动的人。a computer person电脑迷
  1. -person (in compounds构成复合词) a person working in the area of business mentioned; a person concerned with the thing mentioned从事…工作的人;…人员a salesperson推销员a spokesperson发言人
  1. [singular] (English language arts英语语言文学) one of the three types of pronoun in grammar. The first person I / we refers to the person(s) speaking; the second person you refers to the person(s) spoken to; the third person he / she / it / they refers to the person(s) or thing(s) spoken about.人称(语法上有三种人称:第一人称 I / we 指说话人,第二人称 you 指听话的人,第三人称 he / she / it / they 指谈到的人或事物)
in personseeing or speaking to someone face to face (not speaking on the telephone or writing a letter)当面;亲自;本人I went to apologize to her in person.我当面去向她道了歉。




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