

词汇 full
🔑fullfull1 /fʊl /


with no empty space没有空间
  1. full (of sb / sth) holding or containing as much or as many as possible满的;充满的The garbage can needs to be emptied. It's full.该清垃圾桶了,太满了。a full bottle装得满满的瓶子The bus was full so we had to wait for the next one.那辆公共汽车挤满了人,我们只好等下一班。“Is there any coffee left? “Yes, the pot's still half full.“还有咖啡吗?”“有,还剩半罐呢。” (figurative) The kids are full of energy.孩子们精力充沛。 (figurative) We need a good night's sleep because we have a full (= busy) day tomorrow.我们今晚得好好睡一觉,因为明天会很忙。
having a lot有很多
  1. full (of sb / sth) with a lot of people or things in it(有)大量的;(有)许多的;丰富的The room was full of people.屋子里挤满了人。His work was full of mistakes.他的工作错误百出。
of food食物
  1. having had enough to eat and drink吃饱了的;喝足了的No dessert for me. I'm full.我不要甜点了,我吃饱了。
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) complete; not leaving anything out完全的;完整的;详尽的I would like a full report on the accident.我想要一份这次事故的详尽报告。Full details of today's TV programs are on page 20.今天电视节目的详细内容见第 20 页。He took full responsibility for what had happened.他为发生的事承担了全部责任。Please give your full address.请提供你的详细地址。
as much as possible最大限度
  1. (only before a noun只用于名词前) the highest or greatest possible最高的;最多的;最大程度的The roses are in full bloom.玫瑰花开得正盛。a train traveling at full speed全速行进的火车
  1. round in shape丰满的;圆鼓鼓的a full figure丰满的体态
  1. (used about clothes) made with plenty of material(衣服)宽松的,肥大的a full skirt宽裙
of a bed
  1. (used about a bed) big enough for two people(床)双人的➨ WORD BUILDING 词汇扩充There are four standard sizes of beds: twin (wide enough for one person), full or double, queen, and king (the widest).床有四种标准尺寸:twin bed 指单人床,full-size bed 或 double bed 指双人床,queen-size bed 指大号床,king-size bed 指特大号床。
be full of yourselfto think that you are very important自满;自视甚高He's been very full of himself ever since he was promoted.自从升职后,他就一副自以为很了不起的样子。have your hands fullto be very busy so that you cannot do anything else忙得不可开交;应接不暇in fullwith nothing missing; completely全部;完整地Your money will be refunded in full (= you will get all your money back).你的钱将全数退还。Please write your name in full.请写下您的全名。in full swingat the stage when there is a lot of activity在热烈进行中;处于兴盛阶段When we arrived, the party was already in full swing.我们到达时,聚会已进入高潮。in full view (of sb / sth)in a place where you can easily be seen在容易被看到的地方;在眼皮底下In full view of the guards, he tried to escape over the prison wall.他在卫兵的眼皮底下企图翻墙越狱。in full view of the front windows透过前面的窗户一眼看到to the fullas much as possible尽可能;充分to enjoy life to the full尽情享受生活

fullfull2 /fʊl /


completely; directly完全;直接地All the hotel rooms in town were booked full.镇上所有旅馆的房间都订满了。You know full well why I asked that question.你很清楚我为什么问那个问题。




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