

词汇 frightened
🔑frightenedfright·ened /ˈfraɪtnd /


  1. full of fear or worry惊吓的;害怕的;担忧的Frightened children were calling for their mothers.受到惊吓的孩子们呼喊着妈妈。He was frightened at the thought of being alone.一想到独自一人他就害怕。I was frightened that they would think I was being rude.我担心他们会认为我很无礼。
  1. frightened of sb / sth fearing a particular person, thing, or situation害怕When I was little, I was frightened of cats.我小时候怕猫。
➨ THESAURUS 同义词辨析afraidscared ◇ frightened ◇ terrified ◇ alarmed ◇ paranoidThese words all describe feeling or showing fear.以上词均表示害怕、惧怕。afraidfeeling fear; worried that something bad might happen害怕;担忧Are you afraid of spiders?你害怕蜘蛛吗?Alex is afraid of going out after dark.阿莱克斯天黑以后不敢出门。We were afraid to go into the cave.我们不敢走进山洞。He's afraid (that) he'll fall.他担心摔倒。ⓘ This word cannot come before a noun. * afraid 不用于名词前。scaredfeeling fear; worried that something bad might happen害怕的;担心的I'm really scared of heights.我非常畏高。Everyone was too scared to move.大家都害怕得不敢动。The thieves got scared and ran away.小偷被吓跑了。She was scared that the glass would break.她担心玻璃会碎。ⓘ This word is often used in spoken English. * scared 常用于英语口语。frightenedfeeling fear; worried that something bad might happen恐惧的;忧虑的a frightened child受惊的小孩He is not frightened of anything.他无所畏惧。ⓘ This word is used more in written English. * frightened 多用于书面英语。terrifiedvery afraid非常害怕的;恐惧的I was terrified (that) I would fall.我很害怕会跌倒。She looked at him with wide, terrified eyes.她睁大双眼,惊恐地看着他。You look terrified!看把你给吓的!I'm terrified of flying.我十分害怕乘飞机。alarmedafraid that something dangerous or unpleasant might happen惊恐;担心She was alarmed at the prospect of traveling alone.一想到独自旅行,她就感到不安。He was alarmed to see the front door of his house open.看到他家前门开着,他担心起来。ⓘ This word cannot come before a noun. * alarmed 不用于名词前。paranoid(somewhat informal) afraid or suspicious in a way that is not reasonable多疑的;恐惧的;无端猜疑的You're just being paranoid.你只是在疑神疑鬼。He's so paranoid about germs that he refuses to shake people's hands.他对细菌神经过敏,连与人握手也不肯。PATTERNS 句型afraid / scared / frightened / terrified of spiders, etc.scared / frightened / paranoid aboutafraid / scared / frightened / terrified thatafraid / scared / frightened to open the door, etc.Don't be afraid / scared / frightened / alarmed.




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