

词汇 friend
🔑friendfriend /frɛnd /


  1. a person that you know and like (not a member of your family)朋友Steve and I are old friends. We went to the same school.史蒂夫和我是老朋友,我们在同一所学校上过学。We're only inviting close friends and relatives to the funeral.我们只邀请亲近的朋友和亲戚参加葬礼。Do you know Irene Pearce? She's my best friend.你认识艾琳 · 皮尔斯吗?她是我最好的朋友。A friend of mine told me about this restaurant.一个朋友给我介绍了这家餐馆。One of my friends told me about this restaurant.一个朋友给我介绍了这家餐馆。  look at boyfriend, girlfriend
  1. a friend of / to sth someone who helps or supports something帮助者;支持者;赞助者friends of the museum博物馆的赞助者
be / make friends (with sb)to be / become a friend (of someone)是(某人的)朋友;和(某人)交朋友Tony is very shy and finds it hard to make friends.托尼很腼腆,觉得很难交到朋友。




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