

词汇 close
🔑closeclose1 /kloʊs /


  1. (not before a noun不用于名词前) close (to sb / sth) | close (together) near靠近;接近Is our hotel close to the beach?我们的旅馆离海滩近吗?It's close to midnight.快到半夜了。The edges are fairly close together.两条边彼此很接近。
  1. (used about a friend, etc.) known very well and liked(朋友等)亲密的,亲近的They invited only close friends to the wedding.他们只邀请了亲近的朋友参加婚礼。
  1. near in a family relationship近亲的a close relative近亲
competition, election, etc.竞赛、选举等
  1. only won by a small amount以微弱优势获胜的a close contest / game / race / election势均力敌的竞赛/比赛/赛跑/竞选
  1. careful; thorough仔细的;彻底的 On close examination, you could see that the $20 bill was a forgery.仔细查看,就会发现这张 20 美元的钞票是张假钞。
a close call / shavea bad thing that almost happened侥幸脱险;侥幸躲过I wasn't hurt, but it was a pretty close call.我没受伤,但也够险的。come close (to sth / to doing sth)to almost do sth几乎要;差点儿就We didn't win, but we came close.我们没赢,但离赢只差了那么一点儿。
close·ly 🔑


to watch someone closely密切观察某人The insect closely resembles a stick.这种昆虫长得很像树枝。



closeclose2 /kloʊs /


near靠近;接近The child stood close to his mother.小孩紧挨母亲站着。to follow close behind someone紧跟某人I held her close (= tightly).我紧紧抱住她。close by (sb / sth)at a short distance from someone or something离…不远;在不远处She lives close by.她就住在附近。close toalmost几乎;接近;差不多He was born close to a hundred years ago.他差不多是在一百年前出生的。close up (to sb / sth)at or from a very short distance to someone or something近距离;从近处You can't tell it's a forgery until you look at it close up.要凑近看才能分辨出这是赝品。

🔑closeclose3 /kloʊz /


[intransitive, transitive]
  1. to shut关闭;合上The door closed quietly.门轻轻关上了。to close a door / window / cabinet关门;关窗;关橱柜Close your eyes I have a surprise for you.闭上眼睛,我要给你一个惊喜。
  1. to be, or to make something, not open to the public关闭;(使)不开放What time do the banks close?银行几点关门?The police closed the street to traffic.警方封闭了街道,禁止车辆通行。
  1. to come or bring something to an end结束;终止Registration for fall classes closes at 4:00.秋季课程注册 4 点截止。Detectives have closed the case on the missing girl.警探对女孩失踪一案的调查已经结案。 OPP open
close (sth) down (business商业) to stop all business or work permanently, at a store or factory倒闭;停止;歇业;关闭The factory has had to close down because of the recession.这家工厂受经济萧条影响被迫停业。Health inspectors have closed the restaurant down.卫生检查人员查封了那家餐馆。close in (on sb / sth)to come nearer and gradually surround someone or something, especially in order to attack(尤指为了进攻)靠近,逼近The army is closing in on the enemy troops.这支军队正向敌人逼近。

closeclose4 /kloʊz /


the end, especially of a period of time or an activity(尤指一段时间或活动的)结束,终止the close of trading on the stock market股市的收盘bring sth / come / draw to a closeto end结束The chairman brought the meeting to a close.主席宣布会议结束。The guests began to leave as the evening drew to a close.晚会结束,客人们开始陆续离去。




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